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Originally Posted by Skyhook
At a time when most people are exposed to the cold wind of economic reality, you can't be surprised if those of us out in the snow look at those in the warm without rejoicing at their good fortune.

Partly, yes- I'm only human. But it's not just that, its unfairness- the fact that the rest of us are paying for something we can only dream of.


A century of social reform, kicked to oblivion by right minded idiots ?... bring back hanging, slavery, public floggings, destitution and gin at 1 penny a pint!
Not with your attitude it won't . first you gloated about Maggie decimating the mining industry (leaving us vulnerable to the oil industry), next you point out the facts of the hard dangerous work involved .
Make your mind up !! if anyone is bolshie in this discussion I suggest you take a look closer to home !.
You remind me of Matthew Wright , sitting on his backside 5 days a week , gurning ,mocking and telling all who listen to find a job .
Kettles and pots I say :)

There are no pots and kettles here buddy

I work 6 days a week, and have been working since I was 16, and illegally before that to get some pennies in my pocket. I was born in 1974, and have seen quite a bit in my short time on this planet.

I'm not 'bolshie' about it at all..

I work long hours because I'm proud to be called a worker, not a scrounger. Striking never won anyone any favours and if you think the private sector are impressed by the behaviour today ? think again.



A century of social reform, kicked to oblivion by right minded idiots ?... bring back hanging, slavery, public floggings, destitution and gin at 1 penny a pint!

Well nice to see you'll be the first in the stocks then

Social reform ? Workers Rights ? The 'I know my rights' brigade have alot to answer for.

I'm all for safe working and fairness but some people want their cake and eat it.

You don't get this in the BRIC countries. They are starting to and will leave us behind in Europe unless we sharpen up our acts.

Here's a penny for your thoughts ....

All families live, when mother & father retire, they move in with their children and live as a family unit to free up housing, and allow us to cut pensions to existing pensioners.

That's the way it was and for the sensible among us, the way it will be again.

Why ?

It will save Billions. Lower pensions (because people are sharing the heat, light, power, rent/mortgage) Lower childcare (because the retired can help with childcare, just like it used to be. In return, the elderly have people on hand to care for them, watch out for them and be there when it matters.

This entire country, indeed continent, needs a step change in social thinking and it needs to happen sooner rather than later.
I am just saddened by how easily that prat Cameron can shoo any pleading away with a smirk on his face and a laugh at his "big society". I would doubt we will be looking at Cameron at the next election as our PM. I could be wrong, but I really doubt it.

The "Big Society" idea may have fell flat on its face but that doesn't make Cameron a prat. The coalition has inherited a right bloody mess - time will tell if he is right.

As to the next government, God help us if we end up with Milliband and Balls -they were part of the Noo Labour disaster that gave us wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, uncontrolled immigration, the human rights act, the raid on private pensions, the rocketing welfare bill etc etc and the final triumph end to boom and bust!
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I was born in 1974

with or without a silver spoon ?

When you have finished with your slanging match there is one point... however hard you have worked and saved up for a pension, private or public sector, it would be expected that pensions alone should be sacrosanct and not at the mercy of government and bankers plundering... I have seen my pension drop dramatically in real value and keep bees and grow my own veg and keep poultry and pigs co-cooperatively in the local community, because I know my pension will probably not pay for these things... I am worried about food security and transport !
There are no pots and kettles here buddy

I work 6 days a week, and have been working since I was 16, and illegally before that to get some pennies in my pocket. I was born in 1974, and have seen quite a bit in my short time on this planet.

I'm not 'bolshie' about it at all..

I work long hours because I'm proud to be called a worker, not a scrounger. Striking never won anyone any favours and if you think the private sector are impressed by the behaviour today ? think again.


Here's a little information for you on the work front !
I worked legally from the age of 11, yes 11. we had a holiday from school in October , It was referred to as 'potato picking and that was the holiday activity !
I have been on strike once in my career !
Situation was :- managing director of the company walked around the company with the local MP (no party disclosed) the mp spotted a guy who and stood against him and of course lost in the general election !
Mp to Md " You want to get rid of that guy ,he's trouble" . Stupid Md walks over to the guy and fires him on the spot !
Result . a total walk out !!!
2 weeks lost wages and production , company had a full order book , government work incurring penalty clause charges !!
Guy had to be reinstated !!
Often lions are led by Donkeys .
Often strikes are engineered by management and yes governments.
Without a silver spoon, if that makes a jot of difference. I've done everything, achieved everything without anyone elses help, all off my own back...

It's called drive and determination and a survival spirit, with a sprinkling of positive mental attitude garnished with a real passion for making the best of what comes my way.

It's a dish that is free to anyone should they care to take a bite
Here's a thought- let's ban all private and work-based pensions. If MP's and civil servants had to live on the state pension, it might suddenly improve!
As to the next government, God help us if we end up with Milliband and Balls -they were part of the Noo Labour disaster that gave us wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, uncontrolled immigration, the human rights act, the raid on private pensions, the rocketing welfare bill etc etc and the final triumph end to boom and bust!

You forgot tuition fees, peerages for cash, dodgy dossiers and the millenium dome;)
All families live, when mother & father retire, they move in with their children and live as a family unit to free up housing, and allow us to cut pensions to existing pensioners.

That's the way it was and for the sensible among us, the way it will be again.

Idyllic viewpoint............. until father dies from injuries in war.. mother remarries, gets divorced, as did their grand parents,,, etc etc
Mr Budgen will start hacking on about social housing next..
the family home having been repossessed.......... is 30 something too young for a blue rinse?
Victor - I think the working age could do with lowering as there are too many in school today (and uni for that matter) that are not suited to schooling. Get them out earning a shilling and they'll thank you for it.

I was stacking bales for the farmer at age 10 in exchange for a bottle of lemonade and some eggs. I worked, age 13 in a kitchen, cash in hand, washing dishes. I worked for my father on a building site from age 12 and never had an accident because I used my common sense and listened to what he told me.

Strikes are never engineered by management. it is usually because management and staff are unable to talk, and usually because the staff don't like change. we need to change in this world else we'll get left behind by the other economies...
All families live, when mother & father retire, they move in with their children and live as a family unit to free up housing, and allow us to cut pensions to existing pensioners.

That's the way it was and for the sensible among us, the way it will be again.

Idyllic viewpoint............. until father dies from injuries in war.. mother remarries, gets divorced, as did their grand parents,,, etc etc
Mr Budgen will start hacking on about social housing next..
the family home having been repossessed.......... is 30 something too young for a blue rinse?

You could try and give me a blue rinse but there ain't much to 'rinse'
You forgot tuition fees, peerages for cash, dodgy dossiers and the millenium dome;)

In another master stroke Broon sold our gold at rock bottom prices - that cost the country about £10 Billion from memory.
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I work 6 days a week

I work long hours because I'm proud to be called a worker,


surely those two statements say more about your pay-scale than your pride?

I've never heard of anyone saying on their death-bed "I wish I'd spent more time at work"

have you?
Without a silver spoon, if that makes a jot of difference. I've done everything, achieved everything without anyone elses help, all off my own back...

It's called drive and determination and a survival spirit, with a sprinkling of positive mental attitude garnished with a real passion for making the best of what comes my way.

It's a dish that is free to anyone should they care to take a bite

Me too........... but the difference is I have a social conscience

You can not repay a favor .. only pass it on...

And remember that the hands you trampled on going up the ladder will probably punch you in the face when you are on the way back down.
Me too........... but the difference is I have a social conscience

You can not repay a favor .. only pass it on...

And remember that the hands you trampled on going up the ladder will probably punch you in the face when you are on the way back down.

Oh you are such a cynical little person...

I have a very strong social conscience ... I work 2 weeks a year for charitable causes out of my own holiday entitlement. How many people do you know who do that ?

Not many I can tell you.

And I have been doing so since 1991

so that's 40 weeks...almost a year of my life in the free service of others.

I don't think there will be any punching going on - if anything my friends, workers and collegues will catch me if I fall and help get me back up on my feet as I truely believe if you treat people as they wish to be treated, you build a workforce of magnificent people.

Move here and if you're good enough I'll find you a job. But only if you're good enough...
If I recall correctly there were 600 or so public sector workers not affected by the proposed changes.

I've been doing a bit of reading. The cold, hard facts are (well, facts from the Office of Budget Responsibility and HMRC) that public sector pensions cost more each year than they gain from contributions. At the moment it's about £4.5 billion each year short. By 2016 it will be closer to £9billion. I cannot find data on how teachers (who for some reason seem to be the big point of discussion here) fare as a separate group.

So, to keep the status quo (whatever you want...) we need to get between 4 and 9 billion every year from somewhere. Therein lies the problem. Where do we propose to get all that cash from?

The entire UK tax take from income tax (I don't think NI is in there) in 2008/9 (most recent I can find) was £147 billion. So, to keep these pensions ticking along we need to hand over 3% to 6% of all income tax - just to pay for the gap between current pensioners and those currently paying in. That's a lot. it won't get any better either, as in times such as these the tax take drops (more unemployment) and the public sector is contracting, so there are less of them paying in. It's a bit like a Ponzi scheme!

So - the question is, to unions, those opposing the changes etc. - how will you raise all that cash each and every year?
