This is the latest report from my contact
I will tell you more in the next couple of days, but the weaker hive had just dead drones under...and only about ten. Two weeks ago, I took apart the stronger hive with no mortality. Last week I properly inspected again but realised that by using smoke many bees are forces down into the enclosed stand. They are still doing well, n
But potentially an issue if you still have mortality to force them down to infected bees. My strategy of minimum disturbance - inspect once per fortnight, but monitor by lifting off boxes is a must. This may be a down side of my boxed stands, and with wasps yet to arrive en mass and fairly isolated, they probably would have been fine, but it ma be that it is extra protection at this time of year, or if they were closer to other colonies. I need to go through the weaker colony properly tomorrow, so will lift the brood boxes away before smoking. Overall, the idea of removing the floor has been a huge success.
The idea for the next time if there ever is one is to have a removable tray on the ground which can be slid out to collect dead and dying bees