Best results are from strong colonies, or a big swarm (or several chucked together) on a strong flow. With the former, as bees are best condensed to work rounds, swarming is a risk.
Swarms work well if hived on BB and RR box from the start, as bees assess the perimeter of a new nest and work it all.
Good sources of info:
Richard Taylor was an American Professor of Philosophy and ran 300 colonies, mostly for comb honey. He strikes me as a most charismatic individual (see pdf below). The book is essential reading as it is practical and written beautifully.
RR set-up is not cheap (keep an eye on eBay) but the boxes are not complex to make (check link info above).
Unfinished combs can be stored until the following season if protected from fermentation, vermin & wax moth.
Finished combs can be frozen before use, but handle carefully as broken cappings bleed when unfrozen. I sell a comb (they're 227g) for £12 in London.