Requeen ? Queen found dead outside hive tonight .

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New Bee
Sep 14, 2023
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Just found my marked queen dead
outside the hive tonight (unsure why). The colony is busy making queen cells.

Is it worth just selecting one to develop and winter the colony unmated , or try and get a mated queen introduced back in? (Is it too late?)

Don’t know what to do for the better !!

Help !! 🤗👍
What are the queen cells like? How many? are they unsealed yet or open after emergence?
If there are a few then remove order yourself a new queen, remove them and introduce her.
If there is a chance there is a new queen emerged then that is not going to work.

More info needed

They are unsealed cells , 5 of them, double checked for a freshly emerged queen, but nothing . All cells unsealed
And have grubs / royal jelly inside.

I’ve removed these cells.

Is it too late (as in time of year) to get a new queen introduced and accepted ?

Is it worth just selecting one to develop and winter the colony unmated
it doesn't work like that - unless the new queen is mated and laying in the next few weeks (Highly unlikely, a forlorn hope now in this part of Wales) the colony will be dead by Christmas
I checked BS honeybees above but they are out of stock
Becky's bees still have queens so get cracking
It’s a buckfast colony , I checked there and they haven’t got anything?
So it can be done using a non buckfast queen?
Don't get too hung up on the label, because although it is true that colonies may reject a queen of widely different genetics, yours will likely be keen at this time of year to accept what you give it. Anyway, stock listed at NH is Buckfast.
Do you have a second colony?

If you can’t get a Queen, uniting them with another colony would be an option? At least you won’t lose your bees.
Yes I have another , what’s the best way to unite the second one is a nuc.
way to unite the second one is a nuc
Check combs by shaking bees off abruptly; remove all QCs.
Put a sheet of newspaper on top of the box.
Telegraph best as it's big enough.
If sheets are smaller, seal joints.
Put an empty BB on top of the paper.
Add nuc & close up.
Leave well alone for a few days.
Watch for newspaper dust on the ground.
Open up, remove the top BB and put into the bottom BB the combs of brood & best combs of stores (pollen esp).
Check for the queen as you go and assemble with delicacy.
Shake bees out of the top BB into the bottom one and take the top BB away with the surplus combs.
Store those combs in a sealed box, but treat for wax moth with sulphur strips.
Unite them to QR colony over paper.
It is likely imv that a colony that has killed off their Q will also not accept a new one not of their doing , so any monies spent on a new one will not only be wasted but one suspects one will find another dead queen soon after intro.

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