I started 10 years ago determined to spend as little as possible and keep it simple. I was taught by a beekeeper with 50 years experience - a lovely man now dead- who was always gloveless.
I went gloveless and wore a beekeeping jacket ( £35 ebay - still going strong) with jeans (baggy not skin tight!).
At first stings resulted in pain and swelling of the affected area. Then after some 2 years, the swelling became less and after about 3 years, minimal.
Now stings still hurt but I rarely swell anywhere when stung : that includes ears, nose (septum - VERY painful) and face. The head ones either due to stray bees in an unguarded moment or holes in veil/unfastened zips. All now very rare.
Lots of stings on legs from crawling bees- now wear wellies.
The great advantages of minimal protection are : it's cooler in heat (beekeeping in full sun at 30C is like a Turkish bath) and you handle bees far more carefully.
(I mentor people and have experience sometimes of badly tempered bees Most local bees are horrible hence the stings. Mine are pussycats ).
For really nasty colonies, I wear marigolds (or marigolds plus vinyls for vicious ones ) and a full mechanics overall and a bee jacket - with two
loose layers of clothing stings are minimal but it's VERY hot work.
I have seen the multi layer beeproof suits in action .
A pia to get into . I prefer a jacket easy on/off. Usually with a T shirt underneath but in colder weather a full length shirt.
And as my garden is overlooked and there are local hive thefts -getting worse , I use camo/brownish colour jackets#. . White is a no-go as it shouts "Bees" to potential scrotes. My hives are also brown /green to blend in with the garden.
I count my stings ( OCD I know). My worst year was 235 . My normal year is c 120. Worst day was 21 - 15 all at once. They still hurt but the only swelling I get is start of year . My immunity recovers after about 5 stings and I am usually OK for the rest of the season,
( I have been stung twice after my first Covid jab - Pfizer - no reaction.)
# camo - normal cloth, brown microfibre so lighter but easier to be stung through.
Most bee keepers think I am mad. My wife knows I am
( I am only a hobby beekeeper with some 12 hives.. If I was commercial I would be be very differently dressed due to time constrains- full suit etc)
To clean hands of propolis any alcohol based wipe is great. Hand sanitiser ideal if alcohol based.