Wish I could. I used to have the hives against a hedgerow close to where I park up, in those days, I just had black bees. The inevitable happened and the little monsters decided that the public footpath should be closed and if anyone tried to get passed they risked their wrath!
Rather than lose the site, I then changed half my bees to Buckfast and moved them away from the footpath, down to the base of the hill. As well as having calmer bees, this also meant the honey production tripled (and some), hence my current predicament.
I now keep mainly Buckfast but still have blacks for their wax and the little honey produced in hives close (1/2 mile) to an apiary of one of the black bee Mafioso.
Think I will hire a mucktruck and see how it performs, if it fails I will strap a saddle to my back and donkey the supers up the hill as previously.