No ... it's very hard to relax ... whatever you think you know the bees will inevitably leave you pondering what to do for the best - sometimes you get it right - sometimes it's a case of the bees sorting out what you have inflicted on them. Yes, you get a feel for what is going on as you get to know your bees and what they 'normally' do but the reality is, as you say, it's often a challenge.
In some respects it's one of the joys of beekeeping, keeping abreast of what they are up to, reading what you see at the entrance and in your inspections, considering the options and putting your plan in action. Early on in my beekeeping someone told me that beekeeping is not like painting by numbers... it's more Picasso style, you have to step back a bit and look to see what the picture tells you - sometimes it's a bit confused but when you think about it over a bit of time it makes sense.