Oxalic Acid help with maths please?

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Id*.*! I have not 50 hives. Do you?
Perhaps in Finland OA costs more than beer?

Top grade OA crystals £3.65 for 250g delivered....around £1.20 a year plus sugar. Rest can be used by your beekeeping neighbours (quickly) or diluted and poured down a hole in the garden away from any water course...remember rhubarb?

If you can measure 7.5g fine....just think what an old friend that 250g pot of OA will be then :)
Perhaps in Finland OA costs more than beer?

Top grade OA crystals £3.65 for 250g delivered....around £1.20 a year plus sugar. Rest can be used by your beekeeping neighbours (quickly) or diluted and poured down a hole in the garden away from any water course...remember rhubarb?

If you can measure 7.5g fine....just think what an old friend that 250g pot of OA will be then :)

I dont understand the rhubarb quote, can you explain please.
I dont understand the rhubarb quote, can you explain please.

Rhubarb leaves contain perhaps 0.5% OA (very variable as with all plants but more than the stalks)....and decompose into the earth - hence well diluted the surplus solution should not be a risk. I guess many UK beekeepers also grow rhubarb :) (but not recommended strewn in hives).

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But it is not so exact. It may be 7 or 8 and no difference with varroa.


Which is the (pragmatic) approach I took.

My scales flicked between 7 & 8g, so thats good enough for me (and the bees)!
Which is the (pragmatic) approach I took.

My scales flicked between 7 & 8g, so thats good enough for me (and the bees)!

You have only 2 hives. Nothing to loose.

Start from point where 8 just appear to the display.
Take crystall one by one and put them on line on the table.
When 7 appear on display, stop picking.

now split the crystal line into two equal pieces. A

Add a half line to the dose.


Take a point where 8g appears. Then add 220 g 1:1 syrup ooooor 110 g water + 110 g sugar

7/207 = 3,4%
8/208= 3,8%
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Why are you inventing new recipes again Finman? Haven't these people suffered enough?
Post #15 above was fairly close ....

Subtracting what you already have means that you need to add this:

0 oxalic + 500g sucrose + 10ml water

So that is what you need to add, half a packet of sugar and just a slurp of water, then you are at the usual strength of both oxalic and sugar.

This should give a final volume of about 1336ml.

... but not quite right. The calculation above didn't include an allowance for the volume change for oxalic acid in the solution. As folk might arrive at this thread after reading the AKBB forum where this thread was mentioned, can I just say that the stuff quoted over there is *wrong* and if you want a more considered way of converting 6% in 30% syrup you should read this post in a different thread:


I have crystals, and wanting to treat. How would I make the mixture?
I have crystals, and wanting to treat. How would I make the mixture?

make syrup using 100g sugar and 100g water (weight!), then stir in 7.5g OA crystals until dissolved, when the syrup is warm (not hot).

This will give you more than enough for 2 hives.

It doesnt matter if you cannot weigh exactly 7.5g, there or thereabouts is fine.
Brill, thanks. Can't believe I read through 8 pages of confusion to get to that simple answer haha
I didn't think to look there. I did a search though. Nevermind eh? Happy new year
Bit late for most i presume but what about the issue of what water to use ie tap vs distilled/demineralised since very hard water will cause oxalate precipitates which will presumably reduce the efficacy.

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