nylon straining cloth

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Drone Bee
Oct 28, 2009
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London, UK
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Does anyone know the approx equivalent micron size of the thorne$ nylon straining cloth?

I just put a batch of honey (approx 20lb) into our settling tank and this time there are noticable specks of pollen - which Im not too fussed about, but also black specks at the bottom of the storage tub. This was all extracted then passed through the double stainless strainer (which the finest I believe is 500 micron).

The last batch we extracted and filtered this way was clear of any specks so I was surprised to find so many. We need to bottle this up before sunday so I figured we could filter the honey with a finer sieve/cloth straight into the bottles, so Im now busy hunting around for something I can either buy on the high street or buy from Thornes as we arent to far from the Windsor shop.

I think we'll have problems using a 200micron sieve/mesh filtering straight into jars, so Im hoping somewhere in-between is a good compromise and will remove any black specks, but allow us to filter without the cloth clogging up.

Thorne$ have a "nylon straining cloth" on their site, but they don't mention what size/mesh equivalent it is, so I am hoping someone on here has experience of it.


Of course, my other option is to just trust the settling tank to allow the bee bits to sink to the bottom and accept some larger chunks of pollen :)
Can't you fine filter into another tub? Doing it straight into jars will be quite a messy job.
I triple filter straight from the extractor :).
I use 60 lb tanks with tap; I insert a cone shaped nylon filter into the tank (Filter designed to fit tank) I use coarse and fine S/S filter on top of tank; when full I lift tank into bottling area and leave to stand 24 hours or so ; I then commence bottling Nb the nylon filter is inside the tank .
After bottling I leave tank in situ another 24 hours , I find the nylon filter has completely drained free of honey . Usually I can fill an eight ounce jar with what remains in the tank !
No mess, no fuss ,everything easily cleaned for next time :).
I put mine through double filters into 30lb tubs. When required, I warm these and fine filter into 25 litre bucket with fitted tap, pouring from tap directly into the jar. No mess.
<Does anyone know the approx equivalent micron size of the thorne$ nylon straining cloth?>

First two stainless steels filters are 1500 micron and 500 micron.

The straining bag is 200 micron.

Pollen varies in size with 'alpine forget-me-nots' at 3 micron and 'cucumber' at 200 micron.
My problem is that I have only just noticed there might be a "problem" - I dont have time to buy the other filter/cloth, filter this batch, then back into the storage/settling tank (with tap) to leave for 48hrs before bottling. So at the moment I am looking for a quick fix, but then in future I will consider the 3rd 200micron or thereabouts filter to settling tank, to then bottle.

As I will only have about 20 or so bottles I figured I could filter directly into jars, I will buy the thorne$ cloth and have a practice run, if it turns out messy I think I will just skim off the bubbles in the tank as normal (into my personal jar), then bottle as normal but leave a tiny amount in the tank and not scrape the sides... and then filter that through the cloth back into a tub for personal use.

The latter option of course relies on all the bee bits having sunk to the bottom before friday!
I put mine through double filters into 30lb tubs. When required, I warm these and fine filter into 25 litre bucket with fitted tap, pouring from tap directly into the jar. No mess.

Yeah, it was that last filter into the bucket with tap we havent done, we just went from double filter to storage tub, then to storage tub 48-72 hrs before we want to jar. Last time we had no real visible bits of pollen or bee/black bits so assumed the double strainer was enough, not minding if there were small particles of wax or lumpettes of pollen anyway as this is a "feature" of local honey - you get some good stuff which the big boys filter out.

I think we can still call it a "feature" with the larger lumps of pollen/wax, but the customer might not see any nutritional benefit of bee ;-)
I do basically the same as Swarm. The initial screening is through a kitchen sieve, which may, or may not, remove all the bits. I often use a decapping fork so the sieve soon gets blocked. Cutting off the cappings gives a better initial flow. The buckets are then stored and warmed later for bottling. At that stage the honey quite quickly passes the 200 micron cloth (I lay it over the settling tank screen) and is then allowed to settle before bottling. My settling tank is a little bigger than a 25 litre bucket, but I have used that item in the past.

Thanks, it sounds like 200micron might not be too much of a pain. If the cheapo thornes stuff works this time I will invest in some of the proper cloth.
If the cheapo Th**nes stuff

Who's calling Th*rne cheap?

I bought one straining cloth about ten years ago and another couple, a year or two later. They are still fine.

Regards, RAB
If the cheapo Th**nes stuff

Who's calling Th*rne cheap?

I bought one straining cloth about ten years ago and another couple, a year or two later. They are still fine.

Regards, RAB

No, I mean their cheap option, as opposed to their expensive one - "nylon straining cloth" @ £2.01

I guess that means we were talking at cross purposes! :)
Just make sure it's sufficiently warm before passing through the 200 micron or you will be there ages.
The reason I was thinking messy was the thought of no tap to turn off .. so a constant run, which is bound to get over the neck and sides of the jars. Not to mention the other pair of hands you could do with.
Hi, my point was that there is very little that is 'cheap' at Th*orne. All good stuff but generally not the cheapest, although I have had some good deals there, before now.

Those are the type I bought long ago. I lay them acoss my ripener screen (as a supporting material) and secure with a large elastic band, just to stop it getting pulled into the sieve casing. I did damage one using the Th*orne bucket holder, but it is still usable.

Regards, RAB

Does anyone know the approx equivalent micron size of the thorne$ nylon straining cloth.

Don't waste your money on Thxxxs cloth - my straining cloth is at least as fine and all I do is go to a local haberdashers and buy a few yards of their finest nylon net. Does the job a treat after honey has gone through the S/S double strainer - never any bits in the honey. Settle in the bucket for several days according to when I can be bothered to bottle. Bobs yer flippin. The cloth stands boiling and washing soda with no discolouration whatsoever for as long as I have used it.
ok I know not all plastics are equal, so how about nylon??

for PERSONAL use last year I had some tights from asda £1 for 5 pairs I think and doubled up one leg stretched over colunder (didnt have a stainless sieve) this filtered out any bits very well.

Not sure if this is allowed when being used for selling on so double check with the xperts first!
what denier tights = 200 micron out of interest? Do you need to wash them first? Soda water ok?
I just bought the budget ones at they are fairly thick granny style! I soaked them in some boiling water with a dash of soda crystals - like i said not sure if its an issue, but honey came through nice and clear - maybe not show standard, but fine for me

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