I think it’s down to a young queen in a previous hive with mellow bees, her own bees were nurse bees and so less aggressive initially. As the new queen now has all her own bees this is now a good indication what she’s like - aggressive / tetchy.The bees have gone from 'very quiet' to 'quite agressive' after the move. WHY? What is it about the new site that is riling them?
I have exactly the same problem in one hive of mine. New queen in a Nuc seemed nice and quiet. I united her to a queenless hive which had previously been ok. As time went on they started to ping my veil and follow. I will be pinching the queen.
I have a hive on the stand next to it, which is strong. I have been wondering whether to pinch the aggressive queen and unite it to the hive next door - would result in double brood with c12 frames brood if done as soon as weather warms up again. However is this likely to result in v early swarm preparations… OPTION 1
Move the tetchy hive to one side, allow the flying bees to return to the nicer strong hive thus boosting it for the spring flow. Take away the tetchy hive, pinch the queen and use it as a queenless cell raiser once mature drones are flying. However is there any risk that the tetchy flying bees kill the nicer queen next door? OPTION 2
If you’re reading this thread and have the experience, which option would you go for and why?
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