Natural Beekeeping

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No reason at all. That's the point. If it's dependent on mites then we can't conclude what the natural spacing of colonies would be if mite free.

There is no such as "natural spacing of bees". What do you do with that information.

Australia has researched densities of wild beehives. Colonies are very tiny compared to nursed bees.
Britain have escaped swarms here and there in houses, so called "ferals".

Normal hives send 2 swarms to the world but the final number of colonies does not rise. Natural dead rate is then 66%.

Sometimes, so far, nothing knowledge from outboards does not suite to Great Britain because of climate is different, but sometimes everything is valid. Strange thinking in thise forum.
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I consider myself new to beekeeping with 5 years experience and am new to this forum but ti strikes me that the usage of labels "conventional" and "natural" when referring to beekeping methodology sets everyone up for an atagonistic relationship.

I see beekeping on a continuum ranging from wholly natural methods to wholly conventional and every beekeeper will sit somewhere on that line. Invariably beekeepers have their own ideas about what is right and that is bound to vary. Conditions vary and the best thing a good beekeeper can do is observe and respond if needed but always applying caution. And each beekeeper will select from the tools on that continuum to best serve their needs.

I started beekeeping from a natural perspective trying to stick to what served the bees the best and have stuck to that central philosophy but I do now use Nationals and I do manage swarming ad in some ways this is a compromise to ensure I can help promote bee production in a manageable way. But I don't and have never treated, I don't have disease or mite problems that the bees can't manage themselves, I don't use contaminated wax, I will use some blank home-produced foundation but only where needed. The bees are prospering and I do get some honey though I must also say that honey is a happy byproduct rather than a commercial need for me.

I do my reading. I obserrve and look fora middle road that I can walk that is in as much harmony with the bees as I can and we both benefit.

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