National poly nucs

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Does that mean, as a 16 year old myself I will be unable to buy anything from your online shop as I am 'incapable' of keeping bees?

No - you can easily prove that you are a responsible person at that point by lying about you age.
really looking forward to getting them:D

Opened this thread again to find out if anyone has actually managed to get a poly Nuc from this guy yet?

I ordered 4 but have not received any and have also emailed asking for an update but not had a reply.
There is an 07515 telephone number on the website contact details, have you tried it before going public? Also, did he not state when the boxes would start being shipped?

Not being picky Stiffy, but I've seen some of the problems resulting from bee supplier sales that shouldn't really have become public because in most cases a phone call would have resolved the matter without a lot of speculation and inuendo that follows.

I do understand your very real concerns and was it perhaps all the speculation and yadda yadda earlier on in the forum that has you overly sensitive?

Please report when goods received from Weald Place Farm as a service to other forum members
There is an 07515 telephone number on the website contact details, have you tried it before going public? Also, did he not state when the boxes would start being shipped?

Not being picky Stiffy, but I've seen some of the problems resulting from bee supplier sales that shouldn't really have become public because in most cases a phone call would have resolved the matter without a lot of speculation and inuendo that follows.

I do understand your very real concerns and was it perhaps all the speculation and yadda yadda earlier on in the forum that has you overly sensitive?

Please report when goods received from Weald Place Farm as a service to other forum members

I am not going to get into an argument over this but please read my request before jumping to conclusions?
I asked if anyone had received the goods they had paid for, nothing else!

I also said that I HAD CONTACTED THE SELLER BY EMAIL. He does business over the web and as a consequence must receive emails. It take 5 minutes to reply to an email and being out of the country a lot, I do not have time to phone chasing goods I have ordered but do need to advise my family when a parcel is due to arrive!
PS I will of course give my impressions of the goods when I receive them
as far as i can remember the nucs were listed as being available from 1st feb so early days yet re non delivery.

however it should be noted that cost has gone up now the item is live (£30 inc VAT) and postage rates are also significantly higher.

Hopefully pre-orders will be honoured.
I just looked at the website.

For nucs it read, for stock status:
Quantity available for Polystyrene BS National Nuc Hive = 981

That should be clear enough. Orders should now be in the pipeline for early despatch.
Reply from Weald Place Farms

Have had a reply (which is all I wanted ) today:
I hope they dont mind if I post so that anyone else may see that they are having problems but anticipate delivery soon?

"Good morning All

Firstly I am sorry this is a bulk e-mail and I hope it get through all spam filters I have been away from my computer for a few days trying to chase my poly hives. Which have been delayed I am very sorry to be giving you this bad news. I will be happy to give you a full refunds if you are unhappy with the service, but the hives have been delayed not canceled.

A number of factors first was my fault getting funding to the mold maker 2 weeks late (nothing is simple with UK banks) in China, I was assured that the delivery date would remain unchanged, the 3 weeks of celebrations for Chinese new year have been blamed now and as such I have not given me a new date for arrival of the mold into the UK be assured that I am chasing daily as I can not afford the project to over run.

I have already invested huge sums of my money and time into this project. This email has been sent to every one who has payed up front for a poly nuc or hive explaining the situation. I have been assured that they will be here well before the end of the month but this may be of little help to you. If this is the case I will issue a refund.

Please be assured this has not affected our bee production if you have ordered bees from me. This delay will be resolved ASAP.

All the best please drop me a line if you need a refund.

William Alldis"

I for one am quite prepared to wait and do appreciate being kept updated when someone has my money
Well. That blows.. the authenticity, or reliability, of any stock levels quoted .. clean out of the water!

Something is 'as clear as mud'
How long will it take to manufacture 000's of nucs once the mold/mould arrives in to the UK.....which it hasn't yet, by all accounts?
injection moulding is a fairly rapid process, so it shouldn't take very long at all
I had the same problem as the other people who ordered
I called the number on the site a few times aday went stright to o2 mobile answering service left messages never had a reply sent a number of emails no reply until today when i got a bulk email as everyone else.

The website stated the items was in stock no mention of a delivey date some time in the future if and when the mold turns up from a slow boat from china.

before i order again from this website i will phone before i part with hard earned money
but someone will have to answer!!!

injection moulding is fast and they can churn them out fast if the mold in in the country and it works !!
Length of time per item will depend on the density....

I know the rule is buyer beware but to give money for a product which is not on the shelf is not something I do.

Patience is a virtue, and if it means waiting to make the purchase then I wait.

I hope it works out for you and you get what you expect.

If your thumb nail goes into the material easily, as it did too often at Stoneleigh last year then.........avoid.

i never preorder goods not on the shelf
but the site stated stock levels no mention of delivery sometime over the rainbow like they should!!
im in two minds to ask for a refund before the rush starts and the pot may run dry
i never preorder goods not on the shelf

What is the fuss? The advet said early Feb 2011, it is still early Feb 2011.

And like all the fuss about late orders from thornes winter sale, who in the UK actuall needs any of this stuff right now???

And as for pre ordering, those who have pre ordered have made a saving over waiting, like most things in life.

I got the email today, but does it matter NO, The guy will give a full refund if you want, and if they turn up and as PH says your thumb can go though, again full refund will be gained via PAYPAL, even if the guy will not give one.

So all in all a fuss about nothing:beatdeadhorse5:
i must be blind the advert says nothing about early feb just read it again now and no mention of it
the main fuss is about the lack of information and the lack of customer service
No Information
No Service
No Stock ( when they say they have 981 instock )
Yes you are blind!

I first posted about this back in November 2010, and made it very clear they where not yet made and would be out early Feb.

There is no confusion..but I have emailed the maker to sugest he might want to update his stock levels and ETA of the items.

Read this thread!

Just incase you miss the above here is the image!


and also NEW LAUNCH

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