Just remember that the guy, AHH, from Alaska reckons that the bees there need 60kg - 80kg of stores for their winter
Typo for sure. Mixing metric and Imperial.
Let me ask you a question. If our winters were colder by say 10 degrees Celsius would you add insulation? Now another. What about if the winters were yet another 10 degrees colder - any insulation now? If you have not changed your mind yet, try another 10 degrees.
The Alaskans afford insulation, for sure; they cover the hives in a snow tunnel for extra insulation from the extreme weather. You may not think that to be insulation, but it is. The beekeepers on the MM video of the 1930's covered their hives with insulation. They were not wasting their time and effort - they knew back then what was better for the bees and better for them.
You 2 admit1 you do not 4have3 a 3 clue as to 6whether 2 you 2 are 3 right or 6 not (as you say 'ok dont know 4if this 3 was the right thing 2 do ').
Don't you love all these numbers in the text? I hate them. Not proper language. There are a lot on the forum who think the same but are too polite to tell you. Not difficult to write in plain English like most of the rest of us, please?
A little thought on the subject such as above should help you consider your position.
As I said, just neeeds thinking about, not blindly following what someone else tells you. By the way, tomorrow is Wednesday. Don't be late for work.