Mobile phones and driving.

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Totally disagree..about not stopping it.

Confiscate phones of those caught and destroy SIM cards..The resulting carnage to peoples' lives - and jobs (many will not be backed up) would influence a number to stop..

I would like to think it would but the people who spend most time on the phone/text/social media that I know tend to have the latest phones and they back up to the 'cloud' or itunes automatically - I'm totally in agreement with confiscating the phones but I'd go one step further and make it a compulsory 6 month ban from driving - regardless - for a first offence and then a 5 year ban for a second ... should be at least that for drink or drugs driving as well. Far too many get off because 'a ban would cause the loss of their job' Tough luck as far as I'm concerned - do the crime -serve the time !
Life imprisonment with hard labor would be quite a strong deterrent.

The vast majority of the criminals I see using these phones while driving look to be way over 30 years old.

Now you're talking - round where I am the ones I see are young women who seem to completely ignore the ban and white van man ... who ignores everything...

Anyone who has any doubts should watch this ... it's 30 minutes long but a very salutary (and true) story ...

Forgot to say ... You need to stay with it ....
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I hate driving, not the actual physical part of the subject but having to deal with modern traffic and roads. you no longer drive for yourself but for others
it is totally irrelevant if a person has had there licence for a day or most of there life, once a driver lapses into one of the two main states of danger, that of over confidence and that of arrogance
newer drives can suffer from over confidence, the fact that the driving test is so easy compared with the test for a motorbike licence where handling of the machine is a separate test to the actual road test
bike or car over confidence is bad, mobile use while driving is a sign of over confidence.
arrogance, mainly in older drivers especially those who have the attitude of " ive been driving for XX years you cant teach me anything " and right or wrong they do the same thing time after time

lane hogging, tail gating, last moment maneuvers, incorrect use of road lanes and roundabouts, late braking, cutting up, excessive speeding, non hands free phone use, Etc all fall to the same

and dont even get me into the putting make up on at lights, or personal grooming to the point of going through a light change totally unaware

driving or riding when you get in or on a vehicle the only thing you should be doing is controlling.

at the end of the day that machine is a deadly weapon. loose control and put it through the front of a crowded shop you could kill or injure as many people as if you had thrown a grenade in there

dangerous driving on any road is like shooting a gun, it is Russian roulette using a motor vehicle
Now you're talking - round where I am the ones I see are young women who seem to completely ignore the ban and white van man ... who ignores everything...

Anyone who has any doubts should watch this ... it's 30 minutes long but a very salutary (and true) story ...

Forgot to say ... You need to stay with it ....

What an emotional story but it is totally true how one persons lack of concentration on the Roads can cause so much grief. :angelsad2:
Now you're talking - round where I am the ones I see are young women who seem to completely ignore the ban and white van man ... who ignores everything...

Anyone who has any doubts should watch this ... it's 30 minutes long but a very salutary (and true) story ...

Forgot to say ... You need to stay with it ....

LOL... hey I drive a white van, stop tarring everyone with the same brush
LOL... hey I drive a white van, stop tarring everyone with the same brush

I had a fleet of 12 of them - my drivers were ALL white van man - it used to drive me mad - I had the company name and number on the vans and I used to get phone calls on a daily basis ... from irate motorists on their mobile phones - usually complaining about the way my blokes were driving. I eventually fired one of them as I had totally had enough of complaints about his driving ... it improved the standards of everyone else when they realised that one of my better workers was actually expendable ... tough what you have to do sometimes to make things happen.

I'm sure you're not like them ... but I am a little tarnished ...
I live in a rural area and when out walking was nearly knocked over by a driver using a mobile. When I complained, the idiot swore and called me to hell!
I have to drive as part of my work and see many many people on the roads using mobile phones. Problem is they know that there very little chance of them being caught by the police. If they are and the courts take away their licence they then claim 'exceptional hardship' and are allowed to rack up even more points!

What really does pee me off is the people who believe that entering a dual carriageway or motorway gives them automatic right and everyone has to swerve around them.
I and I am sure everyone finds it really easy to adjust the speed of their vehicle and just filter in when there is a gap. I have on several occasions had people stop on the main carriageway on a dual carriageway to allow me to enter, when if they had just continued I would have found the gap needed and entered safely.
The Police were having a "field day" along the A38 Devon Ashburton area today.... unmarked cars sitting on the bridges..... think they are having a campaign, and need to get the cash in to pay for the Waitrose scandal!
As ever, my mobile gets chucked in the glove box... now I could not here it anyway with the surround sound my Defender kicks up!

Yeghes da
I had a fleet of 12 of them - my drivers were ALL white van man - it used to drive me mad - I had the company name and number on the vans and I used to get phone calls on a daily basis ... from irate motorists on their mobile phones - usually complaining about the way my blokes were driving. I eventually fired one of them as I had totally had enough of complaints about his driving ... it improved the standards of everyone else when they realised that one of my better workers was actually expendable ... tough what you have to do sometimes to make things happen.

I'm sure you're not like them ... but I am a little tarnished ...

I understand you completely, the number of brain dead morons I see driving vans. yes you did the best thing you could do to resolve the bad habits.
I am lucky in so many ways,there are only 3 who drive my vans, Me being one of them and strangely everyone happens to be ex army so there is a total un spoken understanding !
What really does pee me off is the people who believe that entering a dual carriageway or motorway gives them automatic right and everyone has to swerve around them.
I and I am sure everyone finds it really easy to adjust the speed of their vehicle and just filter in when there is a gap. I have on several occasions had people stop on the main carriageway on a dual carriageway to allow me to enter, when if they had just continued I would have found the gap needed and entered safely.

one of my pet hates also, those that forget there right foot is actually flexable
one of my pet hates also, those that forget there right foot is actually flexable

One of mine also, i floor the old motor on every slip road and i'm usually at the correct speed to merge without any hassle, if i am already on the motorway i always pull into the fast lane if safe to do to let anyone in and what also boils my urine is when the car you have let in puts there foot down and does not let you back in or then tailgates you, i hate driving at times but i have to do it.
One of mine also, i floor the old motor on every slip road and i'm usually at the correct speed to merge without any hassle, if i am already on the motorway i always pull into the fast lane if safe to do to let anyone in and what also boils my urine is when the car you have let in puts there foot down and does not let you back in or then tailgates you, i hate driving at times but i have to do it.

You need a 4x4 - it’s amazing how the polished car drivers suddenly develop respect. :)
You need a 4x4 - it’s amazing how the polished car drivers suddenly develop respect. :)

I agree, I used to have one of these........
You need a 4x4 - it’s amazing how the polished car drivers suddenly develop respect. :)

I have had several John but you just can not beat a Massey Ferguson with a 20ft trailer loaded with round bales, i never had much of a issue when leading in even HGV's give you a wide birth.. lol
I had one for about three to four years and slept in the back and lived by the fire outside when travelling the country (that brings back some memories ) :)
(to hivemaker)
The Police were having a "field day" along the A38 Devon Ashburton area today.... unmarked cars sitting on the bridges..... think they are having a campaign, and need to get the cash in to pay for the Waitrose scandal!
As ever, my mobile gets chucked in the glove box... now I could not here it anyway with the surround sound my Defender kicks up!

Yeghes da

When I upgraded the radio in my Defender the salesman tried to sell me one with a hands-free kit. Like that was ever going to work.
When I upgraded the radio in my Defender the salesman tried to sell me one with a hands-free kit. Like that was ever going to work.

It's called the Defender for a reason ... You need ear defenders just to drive it !!

Mind you ... compared to a Series II Landy it's like a Rolls Royce ...
There is a difference when on the phone, Swarm. You know how people fade into middle distance when speaking, well, they do it on their mobiles, too. And that's bloody dangerous when also driving.

There are so many people round here doing it and they really draw attention to themselves by slamming on their brakes because they have missed something, clipping kerbs because they can't corner properly with one hand while using their phone and the most common error –-jumping red lights.

LOL What a load of fuss. They were quite happy to let these devices become more second nature than breathing, after all, look what these smart phones can do for you . Not age related, plenty of duffers on the damned things as well.
But my point is did they honestly think, all those years ago when mobiles came out, that nobody would use one while driving?
And why punish new drivers more? I see drivers of all ages using them so one law, one punishment AFAIC.
As for all the other nonsense spouted about distraction, all I can do is laugh. Where would we be if unable to open the windows, adjust the heater/blower, operate the indicators, operate the gearstick, turn the wipers on, turn on the lights ...etc??
I guess the driver should be enclosed inside a sealed cabin so the kids don't ask questions? What a bloody joke.
Different story when tapping digits, texting and not looking at the road, totally different.
I also find it amusing that police officers are above this law. Biggest offenders half the time.
One of mine also, i floor the old motor on every slip road and i'm usually at the correct speed to merge without any hassle, if i am already on the motorway i always pull into the fast lane if safe to do to let anyone in and what also boils my urine is when the car you have let in puts there foot down and does not let you back in or then tailgates you, i hate driving at times but i have to do it.

There is NO such thing as a "Fast Lane".

In the UK you're supposed to drive on the left! :banghead:

If you're plodding along at <60 in any of the overtaking lanes it's no wonder drivers joining the motorway are traveling faster that you and perhaps following you waiting for a gap in the stream of traffic forced into the outside lane to pass you.

HGVs are not allowed in the outside lane and may well end up right behind you in you're hogging the middle lane.
If you're plodding along at <60 in any of the overtaking lanes it's no wonder drivers joining the motorway are traveling faster that you and perhaps following you waiting for a gap in the stream of traffic forced into the outside lane to pass you.

You're not suggesting there is anything wrong with driving at 60mpg, or even a little less, are you, MartinL?

I would love to see people who pass their test have to do a minimum x hours of motorway driving as people don't have a clue or simply don't care any more.

They will merge on their own terms, yet, they MUST give way to the right and they change lanes immediately once they've touched their indicator (if they do that). Few seem to think that I am going at a similar speed to them and yet they've halved my braking time, making no allowance for my thinking time.

This "I've indicated, so I can move" nonsense really gets me. My missus does something similar that annoys me, in that she waits until she is clear, then puts on her indicator before moving.

I tell her to put it on earlier, as it INDICATES your intention to those not only immediately behind, but in the adjoining lanes. They can then decide whether to continue a manoeuvre, or yield to you. But if you only indicate at the last minute, they can't possibly know your intentions until you HAVE moved.

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