making increase

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New Bee
Jun 5, 2010
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i wondered what the anyones opinion is on the best and quickest way of making increase. I've now 9 hives on 2 apiaries. Most of these are splits of some sort. Ive got the rearing kit kit but no actual queens on the go yet. I had some success with this last year with a couple of mating nuclei but i may buy some in as well.
I would like to get to about 20 hives possibly more over the next few year

Ive got the rearing kit kit but no actual queens on the go yet.

I would hope not - if open mated! Because they won't be!
Possibly splits and your own mated queens?

Your own bee improvement program of your own local bees !

IMO ... do not want to be put on the naughty posters list !
As you have 9 colonies now your queens will all be into their 2nd season so stand by for swarms.

I would work the brood nest a la Polyhive to build them up quickly then artificial swarm as they go into swarm mode, that will get you to 18 colonies without loss of honey crop. Then in May, June and July rear your own queens and requeen in late season as required.
ps I think Stoneleighouse was commenting on the initial replies to your post. Nowt wrong with your question:)
i wondered what the anyones opinion is on the best and quickest way of making increase. I've now 9 hives on 2 apiaries. Most of these are splits of some sort. Ive got the rearing kit kit but no actual queens on the go yet. I had some success with this last year with a couple of mating nuclei but i may buy some in as well.
I would like to get to about 20 hives possibly more over the next few year


Double brood all of your hives & have a go at rearing Q's, once top brood boxes fully occupied take off & introduce your own Q's.:)
"What does this reply mean?"

just what it says.

back to the OP - work brood as per PH, AS and put spare queen cells in mini-nucs. that way you can double colonies, requeen if necessary and make nucs right after the main flow.
red bee

yes i know that "I've got the rearing kit but no actual queens on the go yet"
is perfectly correct statement for the time of year but does sow some seeds of doubt re timing of queen rearing in the UK versus say "i've got the queen rearing kit ready waiting for late spring"
i wondered what the anyones opinion is on the best and quickest way of making increase. I've now 9 hives on 2 apiaries. Most of these are splits of some sort. Ive got the rearing kit kit but no actual queens on the go yet. I had some success with this last year with a couple of mating nuclei but i may buy some in as well.
I would like to get to about 20 hives possibly more over the next few year


Birnam is a location that is abit unusual, near the lowlands and yet subject to the winds that sometimes funnel up and down the Tay valley, and also a stack later seasonally than the areas where most repondents come from.

Why do you not just take a short amble over to Inver and ask some truly local advice from John Taylor?

John is a very nice man with a wealth of local experience for your exact area.
i wondered what the anyones opinion is on the best and quickest way of making increase. I've now 9 hives on 2 apiaries. Most of these are splits of some sort. Ive got the rearing kit kit but no actual queens on the go yet. I had some success with this last year with a couple of mating nuclei but i may buy some in as well.
I would like to get to about 20 hives possibly more over the next few year


Quickest way would be to make up some splits and introduce bought in queens.
The best way of making increase is a bit more debatable, but probably initially breeding from your best colony.

Thoughts were asked for. That was my first thought, on reading the post. If you have nothing pertinent to the thread, why post?

As you had not noticed it is 1st March and the poster is somewhat further north than most. Even in southernmost Lincolnshire, I would not be rearing queens just yet. See?

Short and to the point is not necessarily impolite - just blunt and to the point. Maybe lots will have to think about the reply and some will not be able to work out what it means. Sorry about that.
I should have made it clear - the queen mating hives are empty. I had read though you can overwinter little colonies in these. I know John Taylor well and he has been really helpful over the years. I like all the different advice from the forum as well though - there is usually more than one of doing something.

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