Is Trump really that dumb ?

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I have read these comments and shake my head, Trump gave the brat zelensky a lesson in reality and I suspect we will soon receive the same. Possibly we can send our last 40, max, operational tanks to help out, as for our independent nuclear arsenal, seems it is not independent at all, we rely on US launch systems leased to us and requiring US permission to use. As Trump says, the only cards the Ukraine have are those supplied by the US, the rest are blowhard. My final comment, did you watch the full 50 mins in the oval office or the 10 min edited version and did you hear the Z snarl at Vance calling him a bitch. As for meeting Charlie boy , this whole thing is a manipulated cringe worthy episode. I pray for no more death.
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That's what happens when the great unwashed feel disnefranchised, much like this country when the 'other option' is no different to the incumbent they will be taken in by the weasel words of the far right or fascist demagogue who finds an 'other' (be it disabled, Latino, Islamic, Jewish or just 'brown') to target their hate on and promises them all whatever it is they feel they need from cheaper petrol, cheaper utilities or indeed cheaper eggs!
Yes, it opens the door to fascist thugs and bullies like Putin and Trump who feed off the fear they cause and through the actions of their zealous lackey rabid dog supporters like Sechin and Vance.
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did you hear the Z snarl at Vance calling him a batch.
No, but watching it again VZ not a passive victim. Agreeing to this crazy deal for rare earths got him in front of the world's press whatever happened. There's a video of Vance saying " I don't care about Ukraine.. . .". When Vance chipped in VZ had his arms folded, rocked back and looked down his nose at him and through logical argument rolled Vance into treating him like a child who hadn't said 'Thank you'. Went downhill from there. Back to the OP, Vance is that stupid and he's tipped to be the next Presidential candidate.
Trump in his 'weave' said something about "Stupid President". Two of those in the room at the time. Think he meant Biden. VZ could have taken that the wrong way.
Trump, abdicating from America's position as the world's defender of democracy and world peace, has weakened the position Ukraine finds itself in and it is now up to the rest of the world's democracies to step up and fill the void left by the USA.
I'm sorry but I find that statement utterly incongruous. Who was it that crafted the Abraham accords? Who was it that brought a ceasefire to Gaza?

Trump didn't weaken Ukraine's position. Zelenskyy did. There are three options for the US. Walk away completely. Broker a deal. World War III.

Best option for Ukraine is to broker a deal which creates a lasting peace. You don't do that by acting petulantly calling for the annihilation of Putin. You do that by giving the US skin in the game. You don't do that by insulting the US for not stopping Putin when that is what Trump is trying to do.
Putin cannot be trusted, he has shown, in the past, that what he says today can (and has in the past) change the following day. He's a liar. Trump is an opportunits AND a liar .. demanding $500b from Ukraine as 'compensation' for what ? Providing tbem with a fraction of that sum in outdated armanments and equipment stockpiled in the USA .. now reducuing the figure to $350b - still three time what they have actually provided. He wants the minerals available in Ukraine and I suspect that Putin has similar designs on them, as well as his desire to re-establish the greater USSR. It is opportunism on the back of a nation facing annilihation.
So you propose backing Putin into a corner? One sure way to incentivize the Russian populous to go to wider conflict. What Trump says for effect is simply a tool to craft the topography for the real discussions behind the scenes. It's actions that speak louder than words. That's why his ratings are so high back in the US.
There has to be peace but only one that can be relied upon and sustained on the basis of strength - wherever that strength may come from. There will be a cost to this, for all of us, but living with the prospect of an unrestrained, expansionist, regime in Russia ? Not a situation I want my children and grandchildren to live with. We have seen this situation in the past - when Chamberlain waved a piece of paper declaring 'Peace in our time' ... there are many analogies to be drawn and we know what the consequencea were as a result. JBM is right - we should learn from history.
1939 was very, very different. Advances in technology have seen to that. That's not a premise for appeasement. It's the reason why we should tread more respectfully when we talk about America and the peace that it has bought for us through the blood, sweat and tears of its gracious and God fearing people, who have elected Trump to be their voice, their democratic will.

Zelenskyy is a war time leader. He has done remarkable things as has the Ukranian nation to fight off the tyrany of Putin. But he has to be a peace time leader as well and I'm not sure if he can make that adjustment having suffered the trauma and pressure of his station for so long. In this stalemate, Ukraine has to recognise that there will be a price to pay for peace and that price will be territory. Better to stump up territory than a whole nation. Better to stump up territory and rebuild stronger so that there are no future miss calculations. Russia is weakened beyond measure. It will not reconstitute itself for at least another couple of decades to be a conventional threat again. By then new technologies will come to the fore and the US will be in the vanguard of those technologies you can be sure.
Basically if Biden had given Ukraine the arms they requested when they requested them, and also given them permission to use them fully rather than tying the Ukrainian's hands behind their backs, we'd be in a very different situation right now.

Just like if the FBI and social media companies hadn't hushed up the Hunter Biden laptop ahead of the previous US election, Trump may well have been in then, Putin probably wouldn't have invaded Ukraine and Trump would now be in retirement having done his two terms without an intervening hiatus which enabled him to plan and strategise. That's not a pro or anti Trump position, just an observation. I have a markedly low opinion of Biden and Harris though.
I've been a viewer and an annual subscriber to this site for a few years. I have felt that many of the leading figures herein are characters I would have little in common with (politically). This was born out recently by a comment describing the penis piano playing, grubby, little stooge, as "the most courageous leader currently on the planet,"

I would add I'm no Trump lover nor for that matter George Galloway, but between them both, they have exposed possibly the most corrupt regimes coke head clown stooge currently on the planet.
In this stalemate, Ukraine has to recognise that there will be a price to pay for peace and that price will be territory. Better to stump up territory than a whole nation. Better to stump up territory and rebuild stronger so that there are no future miss calculations. Russia is weakened beyond measure. It will not reconstitute itself for at least another couple of decades to be a conventional threat again. By then new technologies will come to the fore and the US will be in the vanguard of those technologies you can be sure.
This scenario is good. But who or what protect us from Russia? It could be NATO, or the agreement with the US like Israel has, or 2000 long range missiles able to hit Moscow. Curently nothing of this is possible, promised, provided or discussed. I guess that only our own weapon can protect us, but I don't believe that Ukraine will be allowed to produce such missiles, it's hardly possible that we still have tecnologies and engeneers for this job. This is the result of 30 years of investment in military degradation, sponsored but the US government and executed by our silly politicians. Now this new deal about nothing, protected by Trump's respected honest name which putn is afraid to insult. ;)
Putn pays $20-30000 as a single payment for a contract and smaller payments every month. Until he has money to rise payments he has volunteers from the poor regions. He still has enough money, flowing through the gaps in sanctions, and he doesn't care about the economy and the number of tanks. His army was near defeat at least three times but every time some "invisible powers" stopped our forces and support in that moment. In my opinion the United States, both democrats and republicans, always wanted and now is trying to save Russia.
Baltic States, Poland and Romania will be the next target if Trump withdraws troops from Europe.
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I listen to the statements by Starmer et al today and the deadly silence from those previously gobby European leaders who have this morning woken to reality, Starmer is half way to that reality but his bullying arrogance still believing he can boss this situation, or possibly some more blag to quieten the natives. We in Europe have lived off the back of the US military umbrella like parasites and diverted previous military spending on political nonsense projects. We are doing it now with the net zero madness, the worst of which is £30b on carbon capture.........carbon capture :} get me out of this madhouse. We previously spewed from the time of Heath onward vast sums into the European project and let our industries wither on the vine. Now we are going to rearm, but not for a couple of years and only once capacity to manufacture is up and running, and where will we source that high grade military steel from ? China or India. Get in the real world chaps, we are a busted flush without the US and Putin knows it. So keep having a go at the US and Trump, Putin will cheer you on.
penis piano playing

Really? Did he actually do that? Or was it just acted as part of a comedy sketch done when he was a working comedian, a couple of years before he even got involved in politics? No-one much seems to have objected too loudly when it became clear that our own Prime Minister apparently had tried to get a tune out of a pig in a similar manner.

That is an absolute Class A rant from Galloway. No actual evidence, no attempt at coherence, just slinging mud as fast and furiously as he can. I'd be first in the queue to have a pop at Piers Morgan given the chance; he makes my skin crawl; but Galloway seriously needs his medication checking. Looks like some of the other people pictured in the clip feel the same way about him.

Really? Did he actually do that? Or was it just acted as part of a comedy sketch done when he was a working comedian, a couple of years before he even got involved in politics? No-one much seems to have objected too loudly when it became clear that our own Prime Minister apparently had tried to get a tune out of a pig in a similar manner.

That is an absolute Class A rant from Galloway. No actual evidence, no attempt at coherence, just slinging mud as fast and furiously as he can. I'd be first in the queue to have a pop at Piers Morgan given the chance; he makes my skin crawl; but Galloway seriously needs his medication checking. Looks like some of the other people pictured in the clip feel the same way about him.

Galloway, probably the greatest orator in the Common House. His facts are irrefutable, bring up his speech to the commoners in the "House " re. The Blair/Bush Iraq War. Study:- " Sonar 21" Larry C Johnson, Judge Andrew Napolitano "Judging Freedom" our Greatest Diplomat, Alastair Crooke, Pepe Escobar, and one of the finest minds around today, Colonel Douglas McGregor.

I don't subscribe to X ... and have little time for George Galloway.

To those prior posts ... suggesting the only course of action is to capitulate to Trumps carve up of Ukraine and leave Putin to regroup for a month or a year or two, to then move on Estonia, Moldova, Latvia - possibly even Poland - none of them have significant military and feature high on Putins wish list ? When do you draw a line in the sand ... it took immense courage for Ukraine to take on Putin's might and I'll happily give credit to Zelensky for his leadership - the cost in suffering has been immense and I'm just sad that we didn't provide more earlier to allow them to hit back rather than just hold a line

So ... what do we do then ? Give in ? Show weakness ?

Thank goodness some of you were not around in 1939.
1939? Do you ever get out of leafy Hampshire? "Winning the war has guaranteed the complete destruction of England, its culture, way of life, and heritage. It, Britain, is rotten to the core. Vladimir Putin's Holy Russia is Building Orthodox Churches, Not - so - Great Britain is well, look it up!
1939? Do you ever get out of leafy Hampshire? "Winning the war has guaranteed the complete destruction of England, its culture, way of life, and heritage. It, Britain, is rotten to the core. Vladimir Putin's Holy Russia is Building Orthodox Churches, Not - so - Great Britain is well, look it up!

Well if we hadn't won WW2 we would now have NO British culure, there would be no jews, gypsies or homosexuals left in Europe and Europe would be greater Germany, ...The USA may have survived by doing a deal with Hitler or threatening him with a nuclear bomb but Britain would not have survived in any sense of the word.

I suspect that you are well left of me in your leanings .. from the sound of your posts you may well be happier living in a UK Socialist Republic - that's your prerogative - I like Britain - there are thongs that need to change but .. I want to live in a country that holds democracy dear - even if that is, at times, not delivering everything I would choose. If upholding democracy includes challenging the likes of Putin - so be it.
This scenario is good. But who or what protect us from Russia?
That will only be answered through diplomacy. That will only be achieved when the protagonists sit around the table which Zelenskyy clearly does not want to do. He is after retribution and justice. Understandable but not wise because it is not achievable without WWIII.
His army was near defeat at least three times but every time some "invisible powers" stopped our forces and support in that moment. In my opinion the United States, both democrats and republicans, always wanted and now is trying to save Russia.
This reminds me a little of Iraq and Libya where the question of what happens afterwards wasn't answered until after the event and too late. So what happens in the power vacuum if a nuclear state such as Russia fails? Who will have control over the button? ISIS? Some other militant group?
Baltic States, Poland and Romania will be the next target if Trump withdraws troops from Europe.
The US won't pull out of Europe if Europe pays its fair share and carries its share of the burden. It's not wrong for Trump to expect reciprocity. It's naive for Europeans to expect otherwise. The US has challenges of its own. I don't see Europe going out of its way to go to its aid.
Here's my tuppenies-worth....

I will end the war in 24 hrs!
After Trump began his pre-negotiation meetings it appears he quickly realised the situation is more complex than he assumed. Putin likely cannot end the war, as his economy now depends on it for anything that looks like growth, albeit from burning through Russia's sovereign wealth fund. Putin isn't keen on the idea of hundreds of thousands of brutalised russian troops heading home, and Russia's Z patriots want total victory at all costs.

In addition, if a ceasefire is achieved Ukraine will end martial law and the restrictions on men leaving Ukraine. Which means a mass-exodus, as Ukrainians know from experience Russia will definitely break that ceasefire. So, Ukraine categorically needs western troops to defend it, and thise troops partly rely on US logistics and technology, which Trump doesn't want to give..

It's been said for some time that Trump is keen on receiving a Nobel peace prize. He's talked a lot about quickly bringing peace to Ukraine. Now he realises that's not possible.
I believe the ritual humiliation of Zelensky in front of the cameras last week, was to prepare a way out for Trump, to say Zalensky wasn't reasonable, it's his fault there's no peace, it's all on him. So, it's not my fault.

Last weekend's western alliance summit in London
This is an attempt by Starmer to create a realistic peace agreement, to put to Trump, involving western troops providing the needed security guarantee. Trump has to be involved because of our militarys reliance on US logistics and technology.
Trump will not be keen on this as it puts ownership back on him.

Pax Americana
I've often thanked Americans for our NHS, social security and education system.
Since George Bush 2 the US has been telling Europe to get serious about defence. This is something I am sympathetic towards Trump about.
So long as Europe cannot defend itself without the USA we are politically limited and tied to the USA like a vassal continent.
The original post WW2 arrangement was to keep Russia out and the USA in. As we drift further away from WW2 the incentives for USA military subsidy has gone.

Why is Russia still in Ukraine after 3 yrs?
1. Biden was far too over cautious. He believed Putin's nuclear sabre rattling. Regan would have flooded Ukraine with old US equipment, which they have plenty of.

2. Awfully bad communication to the US public. The $120 billion the US has spent on Ukraine has overwhelmly been spent in the USA, replacing old equipment and upgrading the US's capabilities. Some of the vehicles sent to Ukraine were left over from the Vietnam war - a cash value was assigned to these - but all this was not explained to the American public, which has left a big opportunity for mischievous political opportunists. In the case of cluster munitions, the USA tax payer actually saved a large amount of money, by not having to pay for it's disposal.

3. A lack of European military capability

4. USA cares about China not Ukraine.
The 2 are strongly linked. More engaged Americans can see this, but most Americans simply aren't that engaged.

How can this war be ended?
I've heard it suggested that a sufficient number of European troops could in theory be moved into Ukraine, to defend it's border with Belarus. With the effect of freeing-up a significant numbers of Ukrainian troops and equipment to fight at the front.
European air defences could also be positioned in the west of Ukraine, or even in Poland and Romania to provide air defence, further freeing up Ukrainian military personnel and equipment.

Combined with the well documented fast deterioration of Russian forces, and the poor state of the Russian economy, this could be the hammer blow needed to put Ukraine into a strong position for any negotiation, while giving the Ukrainian public the confidence they need to stay in Ukraine during any ceasefire.
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I believe the ritual humiliation of Zelensky in front of the cameras last week, was to prepare a way out for Trump, to say Zalensky wasn't reasonable,
I chuckled this morning at one correspondent's comments on
"a bloated ill-tempered pensioner raging at an ally demanding nothing but their abject surrender...................two sh!t flinging howler monkeys losing all self contol on the false pretence that the man who had literally just thanked them wasn't displaying enough gratitude"
I chuckled this morning at one correspondent's comments on
"a bloated ill-tempered pensioner raging at an ally demanding nothing but their abject surrender...................two sh!t flinging howler monkeys losing all self contol on the false pretence that the man who had literally just thanked them wasn't displaying enough gratitude"
Whether Zelensky has thanked the US or not (he has, on numerous occasions), is irrelevant.

USA geopolitics is about what benefits the American people. Sending old equipment to Ukraine is not charity, it's very much in the USA's strategic interests to do so.

Trump and his supporters just don't agree, with more seasoned geopolitical specialists - which is part of the anti-establishment appeal of Trump.

The thankfulness requirement was just a way out for Trump and also an opportunity for posturing, for his MAGA supporters to appreciate.
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