What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Popped the crownboards on the last 10 I haven't checked so far. All looking really good with 6 --> 9 frames of bees and plenty of stores.
Be careful Greg you shouldn’t be popping cbs you have to wait until it’s warm enough, bee police are on there rounds watch out 😂
Or is it just me they like to pick on?😜
Be careful Greg you shouldn’t be popping cbs you have to wait until it’s warm enough, bee police are on there rounds watch out 😂

Nobody expects the Beekeeper's Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise... Surprise and Fear... Fear and surprise... Our two weapons are fear and surprise... And a red hot smoker between the thighs!

was pottering around the garden at various intervals today the sun may have been shining but as Dickens said of March, in the sun was OK but in the shade it's still winter. seeing the bees flying around the garden and the apiary. it crossed my mind I could 'pop a crownboard or two' if needed as one hive is decidedly quieter than the rest - but that was swiftly intercepted by a hard mental slap around the back of the head. the last thing a diminutive colony needs at the moment is some eejit ripping the hive apart.
It froze last night, hard enough for me to have to break the ice for the chickens, still ice on the water in the few buckets around the garden this afternoon - In the end, as soon as my jacket came off IT WAS STILL BLEDDY COLD!

Felt that way here, too. Plenty of sunshine to melt the frost this morning, but despite the forecast it never really felt warm. For some of the time today I was in the workshop making a new cabinet for my laser cutter, but I had to stop in the end because my hands became too cold and the PU glue was turning into treacle.

Small numbers of honey bees were about, mostly collecting water. I suspect many opted to hide under their duvets and wait for warmer weather however.

Be careful Greg you shouldn’t be popping cbs you have to wait until it’s warm enough, bee police are on there rounds watch out 😂
Or is it just me they like to pick on?😜
Give it a rest Mark ... you were not picked on - you posted an apparently ambiguous post and you were picked up on the post - not PICKED ON.
was pottering around the garden at various intervals today the sun may have been shining but as Dickens said of March, in the sun was OK but in the shade it's still winter. seeing the bees flying around the garden and the apiary. it crossed my mind I could 'pop a crownboard or two' if needed as one hive is decidedly quieter than the rest - but that was swiftly intercepted by a hard mental slap around the back of the head. the last thing a diminutive colony needs at the moment is some eejit ripping the hive apart.
It froze last night, hard enough for me to have to break the ice for the chickens, still ice on the water in the few buckets around the garden this afternoon - In the end, as soon as my jacket came off IT WAS STILL BLEDDY COLD!
Pretty much the same down here in the Costa del Fareham ...frost on the cars till past lunchtime - few bees flying and the sun is very low in the sky so not much hitting the hives until past noon.
Give it a rest Mark ... you were not picked on - you posted an apparently ambiguous post and you were picked up on the post - not PICKED ON.

I have to say that I think Mark had his tongue fairly firmly in his cheek when he suggested that he'd been picked on :D


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