I vaped 48 nucs yesterday with the blow torch sublimator.
Here is some feedback.
1. Pre-heat for 2 minutes on medium flame then reduce to low flame during treatment
2. I used 1/4 tsp OA per nuc.
3. You hear the OA 'boil' 5 seconds after placing it in the chamber and vapour appears 5 seconds later.
4. Main vapour last approx 30 seconds from inserting OA
5. Each of my apiary sites have 10 double nucs with a few single's scattered around.
6. Nucs were treated through the crown board. The roof placed on ther CB's stopped CB movement during treatment. Picture shows 3x 3 frame double nucs.
7. I was able to treat in a 'conveyor belt' fashion so 10 nucs could be treated in less than 10 minutes.
8. The device is light enough to support itself during treatment (It did put some pressure on the joints so I would recommend using something to support the gaz canister end) so you can move away to avoid the inital vapour cloud. As treatment last 30 seconds I found that keeping hold of the device was simpler. Whilst standing you can hold it in one hand while you get the next dose of OA ready with your other hand
1. The fan on the device stopped working twice ! It is easy to accidentally switch the fan off when holding the device. If the fan is switched off during treatment vapour condenses on the fan and causes it to sieze. The condensed OA can be scrapped off the fan but it can take a while.
I recommend switching the fan on before inserting the OA and keeping the fan running during the treatment session. At the end of the treatment session turn off the flame and put water in the chamber and allow it to run down the distal tube- this will cool the chamber and tube and remove any residual OA. Then you can switch off the fan.
2. Occasional blowback of vapour through the fan- despite the fan being on. This didn't appear to affect the running of the fan unless I accidentally switched in off then it wouldn't start again until I cleaned it out. Not sure how the device would cope with 2g of OA when I get round to treating my double nationals and 14x12's. I may need to do x2 1g treatments if a problem occurs.
I've upload a video showing the stream of vapour with 1g of OA