Louise, Ted Hooper's Guide to Bees and Honey has a garden plant list, at the end of ch.10 in the 4th edn. Berberis, cotoneaster, crocus, heathers, ****, holly, hypericum, lavatera, shrub lonicera, mahonia, michaelmas daisies and other compositae, ribes, snowdrop, thyme, willow; his wild plant list is longer and includes quite a few gardenable ones e.g. bluebell, marjoram, field poppy, hazel, broom, soft & top fruits, hawthorn & of course ivy.
Your question makes me realise that I have some idea what my honeybees are using in the wild, and I record what bees use in my garden but don't distinguish bumbles & solitaries from honeybees. Must do that in future. Will you post your list?