New Bee
Plants and Beekeeping by F n Howes is a very helpful book.
Any of you out there with bee hives in your garden can you please tell me what your little beavers (oops sorry bees!) are using in and around your garden.
I am attempting to make a list to help gardeners to plant honey bee friendly plants Most of the plants that are flagged as bee and butterfly friendly are for bumble bees.
I will need to know your soil type and the region where you live please!
I have what I am told is a wild geranium. It has geranium shaped leaves, and it is covered in purple flowers what it is in bloom. I have seen the same plant with pinker flowers elsewhere, but mine is purple. Anyhow, every summer it is COVERED in bees. we counted 6 different looking bees once ( I don't know they different types of bee yet, only the difference between bumbles and honeys ) It isn't a big plant yet, probaly only 1m wide, about 3/4 m long, yet it is always covered. It is right next to where my boys play football as my garden is small, but they have never had a sting in my garden ever. Bumbles visit, but the rest where honeys. I am going to divide it and take some to grow on the project
Unable to find the link I was looking for but.
Royal Horticultural Society have a current membership offer on, they are giving away the RHS book on bee friendly gardening. Had a quick look through and it had a good useful feel to it. Was at Harlow Carr last saturday (perfect morning out, Claro Bees is next door, I pick up some gear, wife gets an enjoyable walk round Harlow Carr, coffee damned expensive though!).
Harlow Carr has a very high population of bee friendly plants in it's current displays, it also has a very close association with Harrogate&D BKA (who run a couple of hives there and an excellent observation hive - currently active).
You could do worse than contacting them (RHS Harlow Carr) and asking for the book details.
Other books I would suggest (browsed them in their library/shop):
967.65 HOO 2006
The bee friendly garden / Ted Hooper & Mike Taylor
638.13 CRA 2000
Bee plants / Martin Crawford (2nd revised edition)
What's attracting the bees in your garden in August?
The remains of fondant on the blue wrappers in the back of my truck.