Thanks Gents... That took me a few minutes to read..
And now to comment on a few of your points raised.
Our local Assocation doesn't do a foundation deal as yet ! But I will raise this with the Chairman. A bulk buying thing could be good...
Organic wax !!!! I can't see me using this , problem being , we have six drifferent sites available to us for 2015 and everyone will have OSR within a mile, So that could quickly pollute any organic properties.
( we can't avoid the stuff )
Natural or their own comb I like the idea of this ' but 10 colonies have their work cut out , supplying the local farm shop and I want to keep it simple. They are also on the said Farmers land. Local Honey for the Local shop for Local People + the odd Tourist !! ( Not that Tourists are odd )........
I may try some starter strips with a colony... I also want to try the Roses Hive Method ' But both of these will be at the far end of the garden , where I can keep a better eye on them..
Fresh Foundation, sounds good , with a nice aroma...
Honey > Wax.... Around half of this Foundation will be brood , mainly for a double brood set up.. I'm hoping to go double brood within the OSR flow , which means, I'm not to worried about Honey / Wax Ratio . We done this on some Hives last year and it worked well , The one thing I did notice was , as the flow came to an end, everything on single brood went into Swarm mode. While I understand that not every year is the same ( who knows what mother nature will throw at us ) I want the option to give the Girls as much room as they want. Hence the 10 new brood boxes.. The double brood bit also worked well as the season ended , allowing us to reduce down to a single brood box , leaving only the nice clean combs..
Other suppliers I'll have a look at other suppliers ' but not importers.
I don't need anyone to ship foundation from China !!! That's just Bonkers.

or Bee's from Italy.......
As you can probably tell I'm at work with far to much time on my hands. And I should be looking like this at the moment..
Thanks for your input..