Not stocking Troway Hall/Medibee honey anymore - Looking for a new honey supplier.

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Sell honey from 2 or 3 good producers and your overall honey sales will increase. Different people like different things, and some will buy more if there is variety - trust me I have a house full of stuff I don't need courtesy of shopaholic relatives.
(I would also suggest keep the Troway honey as regulars will still buy from you unless your butcher is slashing the price).
You can call it royal Yorkshire bacon but the little oval badge on the back will have the code for the country of origin.

The only exception I know of is Northern Irish Vs Southern Irish produce. A by product of either the Anglo Irish or Good Friday agreement ( I forget which) was that Northern produce can be labeled Irish and have the IE vs the UK mark.

Once unpacked and it has has something done to being pumped full of water and is a product of the UK...

An M&S sandwich is a product of the UK...The company that makes them uses (or at least used to until 2 Sisters at Stowmarket closed down) chicken that was delivered every day in trucks from Belgium. That factory never saw a live chicken.
I has delivered processed chicken from the same factory to the pie factory in Callington..........the pies are a product of the UK.

Unpack out of date foods and make a ready meal from them and they have a new use by date.
Sell honey from 2 or 3 good producers and your overall honey sales will increase. Different people like different things, and some will buy more if there is variety - trust me I have a house full of stuff I don't need courtesy of shopaholic relatives.
(I would also suggest keep the Troway honey as regulars will still buy from you unless your butcher is slashing the price).

I have three lots of honey at the moment..all different shades.

This is the lightest one....Sickly Sweet. Batch 1

I gave the other 2 jars away..:icon_204-2:
Sell honey from 2 or 3 good producers and your overall honey sales will increase. ... (I would also suggest keep the Troway honey as regulars will still buy from you unless your butcher is slashing the price).

That will also enable you to make the comparison to your customers based on the labels, and you'll have a selection, the butcher won't.
You might then have a lower turnover of the EU honey as opposed to the UK honey, but hey who cares, it has a shelf life of "forever" :)
Supplying When Asked


You remember me, Gloria Havenhand. I have helped so many of you in the past when you have asked for advice.

I will respond directly to these comments, as I only ever have one face and never ten.

I have supplied the Makinson Family for many years with our honey.

On the way to a Charitable event, I noticed the butcher next door had changed and popped in to purchase goods. Immediately, the new owner (Mike), said "It's Gloria isn't it? Do you remember me? You used to supply me at the Coppice Farm Shop, Rivelin Valley". He had to move from there and was trying to make a go of it in Bradway with help from his daughter.

As I was leaving I was asked for a 'bit of honey to fill up some shelves'. I replied that Makinson's next door had our honey too. To which Mike replied "They are a fruit and Veg shop and many of his customers do not come into my shop as I supply meat really". I could see Mike's point of view. I then delivered him a few of each types of honey.

The next thing I knew was that retail terrorism had set in, in Bradway, for no reason whatever. I wish Makinson's well with his new supplier and already we have had people phoning to tell me that I seem to be controversial in his shop. I have never and will never 'bad-mouth' anyone anywhere. It is highly unprofessional and always backfires.

Tom is correct, we not only supply amongst other things Superb Bee Products but also 1000's of Xmas Trees and Tonnes of Logs, Orchard Fruits and Seasonal Vegetables. Perhaps we can help any of you out there, knowing our products are 1st Class and are available for next day delivery.

God Speed Tom.

My best to you all

Gloria Havenhand
Fair do's. I can't rightly ask for any insight into where a certain supplier sources their honey without the suppliers name unfortunately. Plus I'm just starting conversation. I'd be interested in hearing anyone's thoughts on the business practice etc too.

Again, any thoughts on any of my other questions would be greatly appreciated.



Sounds interesting, Tom, but it also depends on what you think is a fair/good price for you to pay. How much do you want to buy it for?
She lives 5 mins from my aunt. I called round and had a loom in her shop. She certainly knows how to market all things beekeeping, even if 99.9% is total ********. I think most of her hives are in Derbyshire. So In that respect I very much doubt it is blended. She has some at home in Troway.

A loom in her shop, Ely? Weave been a busy boy, haven't we? Did you just bobbin as you were passing? I wonder if she's any honey weft with all these orders or if she's none left and it will effectively shuttle her down for the year...

you have to put blend of EC on the label .
It's where the hive is not where it is blended that makes the difference .
I was talking to a beefarmer he imports honey from hungary and transylvania and blends it with his own, but he has to put blend of EC honey on his label to comply with the law.
doesn't seem to matter where they forage it doesn't count as honey until it gets to the hive.

I wonder if blending Transylvanian honey is a pain in the neck?
You can call it royal Yorkshire bacon but the little oval badge on the back will have the code for the country of origin.

The only exception I know of is Northern Irish Vs Southern Irish produce. A by product of either the Anglo Irish or Good Friday agreement ( I forget which) was that Northern produce can be labeled Irish and have the IE vs the UK mark.

As there is no such place as "Southern Ireland" I would be very most suspicious of any product so labelled.
It's not actually a case of her avoiding our business. She phoned me up to place an order as usual like she always does. It's simply a case of her wanting to supply 2 shops next door to each other with the same product to try and sell more. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way!

When she rings up for my next order I'll have a chat to her. I've not rang as there simply is no excuse for what she's doing. It's pure greed and bad business practice on her part and the damage has been done. Some might say I'm cutting my nose off to spite my face but I have my principles and I'll stick to them.

Very much looking forward to my chat with the Sheffield Honey Company though =]

Frankly, I'd have taken it up with her directly, instead of airing your dirty linen on here first, Tom.

I agree it raises a conflict she should be aware of, but perhaps she wasn't.

Later: As I said –-see above.
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Sell honey from 2 or 3 good producers and your overall honey sales will increase. Different people like different things, and some will buy more if there is variety - trust me I have a house full of stuff I don't need courtesy of shopaholic relatives.
(I would also suggest keep the Troway honey as regulars will still buy from you unless your butcher is slashing the price).

A loom in her shop, Ely? Weave been a busy boy, haven't we? Did you just bobbin as you were passing? I wonder if she's any honey weft with all these orders or if she's none left and it will effectively shuttle her down for the year...


Na. I just pooped in to do a bit of cloth weaving
I've one butcher in the nearby town for a feww years onw - ever since I helped him out of a hole when his usual source of local honey dried up and he was losing custom because he was selling the same kind of cr4p as Tescos. I've also started supplying the health food shop around the corner - no conflict as her customers are mostly the tree hugging tofu munching types. I have also had tentative enquiries from the other butcher there, again we can't see a problem as they are a different set of customers to the first shop.
I've one butcher in the nearby town for a feww years onw - ever since I helped him out of a hole when his usual source of local honey dried up and he was losing custom because he was selling the same kind of cr4p as Tescos. I've also started supplying the health food shop around the corner - no conflict as her customers are mostly the tree hugging tofu munching types. I have also had tentative enquiries from the other butcher there, again we can't see a problem as they are a different set of customers to the first shop.

But the whole question here is.... Will you tell the first shop that you supplied to, that you are going to supply the others BEFORE you supply them...... This is where the whole thing began surely! :)
But the whole question here is.... Will you tell the first shop that you supplied to, that you are going to supply the others BEFORE you supply them...... This is where the whole thing began surely! :)

My thoughts exactly Manners Maketh Man (and women) and business can thrive or demise through them:rules:
Gloria might do well to keep this in mind.
As for the agrieved
Surely speaking to someone directly about what you see as being a problem would be the best thing to do. Facebook(teenage non arguments and mis-construed intentions) comes to mind.
Having said all that I would not buy honey in a butchers shop. There is one local to me that sells local honey. I think it very odd to have raw meat sold next to a product that I would put right into my mouth without being thoroughly cooked.
My thoughts exactly Manners Maketh Man (and women) and business can thrive or demise through them:rules:
Gloria might do well to keep this in mind.
As for the agrieved
Surely speaking to someone directly about what you see as being a problem would be the best thing to do. Facebook(teenage non arguments and mis-construed intentions) comes to mind.
Having said all that I would not buy honey in a butchers shop. There is one local to me that sells local honey. I think it very odd to have raw meat sold next to a product that I would put right into my mouth without being thoroughly cooked.

Wow ME, that is being a bit picky for me. I can see where you are coming from but....jars are sealed ! Ok so they could touch the outside of the jar but.... Just seems a bot OCD! :)
I think it very odd to have raw meat sold next to a product that I would put right into my mouth without being thoroughly cooked.

So you think they shouldn't sell cooked ham, pies and faggotrs either? or hot cooked food? Food hyigene regulations ensure that safeguards are in place to stop cross - contamination.
Anyway, my butcher doesn't sell loose honey (it used to make a mess of his greasproof paper) I kindly put it into glass jars with a lid