Spring management.
As soon as colonies are seen bringing in pollen, always a sight to gladden the beekeepers heart, I make and add pollen patties. I use the slap and slurp method.
I ?slap? on a patty and give the colony a slurp of syrup, that is one to one syrup. Why?
I believe that the patty, containing natural pollen as it does helps the bees by reducing their work load and it can be ?collected? by house bees thus taking some of the stress off the foragers. Which after all by this time are in reality OAP?s. The syrup fulfils the same function by giving a source of water and a mild ?income? as well. I never fill the frame feeders, but give a third to a half and how fast that is used up shows the colony strength as does the patty consumption.
The patties are a very good indicator as to how strong the colonies are. A good colony will near finish a half pound patty in a week.
In poor springs, and who can predict the weather, this system has been the saviour of many a weak lot.
My first inspections are quick peeps to ensure that all my colonies are Q+, and I do them as early as possible in conjunction with warmer weather.
As the temperatures rise I look to push the colonies on to get them as strong as possible for the rape. I use a technique taught to me by a Bee Farmer. He called it ?Plus 1? and so do I.
Let?s say there are three frames of brood and the rest of the brood box is full of stores. The three frames have 5 or 6 sides of brood and the Q is obviously trying to expand her nest. I use the flat of the hive tool to bruise the cappings of the frames adjacent to the brood. The next week I expect to see the nest expanded on to those frames, now totalling 5 but 8 sides of brood. I would then bruise the outer sides of stores and turn them so that on the next inspection there would hopefully be 10 sides of brood on 5 frames.
I repeat this process until there are 8 frames of brood and then put my excluder on and add the first super. I keep repeating the process until there are fully 10 frames of brood in the chamber and if I was working a double brood box I would add it at the point of ten frames of brood and continue manipulating matters to maximize the brood, especially if looking to make increase.