One could also add "head in the sand "
Who refuses to countenance the fact that 150 year old techniques may be lacking
Blindly follows bad advice because "it's what they all do"
Subjects the bees to intrusive and unnecessary inspections
Forces them into chemical sodden foundation, dictating cell size
Killing drone brood, because it seems like a good idea (remember all those useless tonsillectomies?)
Subject them to what is tantamount to yelling "your house is on fire" when a quiet approach or a little artificial "rain" will do the trick
Puts honey crop before the welfare of the bees
Nicks all the honey and replaces with sugar syrup
Attempts to subvert nature by suppressing swarming at all costs
Encourages disease by importing stock
Blindly pays £30 a year to the local association, ignoring the fact it adds their name and tacit support for a deeply questionable national association and it's amoral tie-up with Big Pestco..........
Becomes a "pool of disease" by giving bees no opportunity to develop natural ways of coping.......(and backing calls to kill feral colonies)
Need I go on?