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Oh, for goodness sake, Finman. I've been talking about this stuff for a couple of years now. Don't you get it yet?
There are none so deaf as those who will not listen... or in this case the blind leading the blind!
More carp here than on the angling forum!!
Oh, for goodness sake, Finman. I've been talking about this stuff for a couple of years now. Don't you get it yet?

The average age of beekeepers in Finland is 60 years. Their hobby is totally out of control. I do not know how well control is in among your 2-hive owners.

I do not know to whom you are writing. I bet that there are not many bee breeder like you in UK.
There are none so deaf as those who will not listen... or in this case the blind leading the blind!
More carp here than on the angling forum!!

You and your native brains.... Inherited from Ice Ace.

Splended bee breeding can be done with 50% mating control.
When I read these plans, first, every village has its of native bee stock (black bee)
Then every village has its own breeding group for different races. No one has isolated breeding stations. Worse is if every would have.

Your inspectors should burn every hive which is not in control. And mite killers into jail.
Without full control any breeding work is a hopeless gamble.

Everyone wants supreme queens that are gentle, don't swarm and produce.
If you are not able as a backyard beekeeper to do it, support and buy queens of those that do. As a backyard beekeeper if you still want to prduce your own F1 quuens beacuse you like grafting, you can buy only one breeder queen wich will pay you back.

Good queen, good pasture and good beekeeper is the essence in beekeeping.
The average age of beekeepers in Finland is 60 years. Their hobby is totally out of control. I do not know how well control is in among your 2-hive owners.

I do not know to whom you are writing. I bet that there are not many bee breeder like you in UK.

Perhaps, when you know, you might be more constructive in what you say?
Perhaps, when you know, you might be more constructive in what you say?

Yes but you sayings are not very constructive. If you play on olympic level, you cannot doom other beekeepers according your values.

You say that others work is nothing, if it is not absolute like yours.

Nothing constructve in that attitude.

And if you breed bees, you do not beed to breed VSH, hygienic bees and varroa tolerant, it is not everybody's work or hobby. I have followed those guys. After 20 years work results have been sad. You offer that way to everyone. Mad idea.

Australia has hygienic bee project. We can read it from Tasmanian's breeding station's reports. Compared to LASI project. Good heavens.

At least I can say that , that bee breeders are least honest people or they really live in their dreams.

My constructive advice is that "hold your horses".

. In USA that positive attitude of varroa resistant queens has led to result that hobby beepeepers loose 50% of their hives annually.

One reason is that wintering colonies are so small that they cannot go over winter with their 3 frame cluster.
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Finnie has a very good point... within the three organisations that are associated with the native dark bee within the British Isles, breeding groups are being set up to bring together beekeepers to improve their stocks of bees.
Even with 2 hives each
Despite being over 60 and...
against continued importation of exotic species.

Sustainable Beekeeping
There is A future without Imports
Finnie has a very good point... within the three organisations that are associated with the native dark bee within the British Isles, breeding groups are being set up to bring together beekeepers to improve their stocks of bees.
Even with 2 hives each
Despite being over 60 and...
against continued importation of exotic species.

Sustainable Beekeeping
There is A future without Imports

Future has been mongrels' and will be.

Exotic species... British people have loved to bring exotic species from over sea countries.

100 years ago negroes from Africa were kept in zoo cages in France and Germany to show to people how they looked like.
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Yes but you sayings are not very constructive. If you play on olympic level, you cannot doom other beekeepers according your values.

You say that others work is nothing, if it is not absolute like yours.

Nothing constructve in that attitude.

And if you breed bees, you do not beed to breed VSH, hygienic bees and varroa tolerant, it is not everybody's work or hobby. I have followed those guys. After 20 years work results have been sad. You offer that way to everyone. Mad idea.

Australia has hygienic bee project. We can read it from Tasmanian's breeding station's reports. Compared to LASI project. Good heavens.

At least I can say that , that bee breeders are least honest people or they really live in their dreams.

My constructive advice is that "hold your horses".

. In USA that positive attitude of varroa resistant queens has led to result that hobby beepeepers loose 50% of their hives annually.

One reason is that wintering colonies are so small that they cannot go over winter with their 3 frame cluster.

Is it wrong to show others what can be done? If I have to lead by example then, perhaps, others might follow.
I said; control of the pedigree must be absolute. Without that, you can't pass heritable qualities to the next generation. It wont happen by magic.
You have said nothing of what you believe, only attacking what I am doing. That is not worthy of you. If you know so much, I'm sure we'd all be glad to hear it, but, not this nonsense.
VSH may not be a "magic bullet" that completely eradicates varroa, but, it's another weapon in the arsenal and bees that express it do better than those that don't.

You have typical British attitude. You are great and over sea people are noting. You even demanded certificate that I have studied in University. Look at yourself.

2000 ago Romans wrote that cannibals live on British Isles.

You have typical British attitude. You are great and over sea people are noting. You even demanded certificate that I have studied in University. Look at yourself.

2000 ago Romans wrote that cannibals live on British Isles.

Actually, I have learned a lot from breeders in other countries. I have yet to learn anything from Finland though.
B+. When you show your achievements to others, don't say that others breeding work is " control at all".

" If only best birds can sing in the forest, forest will be very silent."

And about best breeders. I test all the queens what I buy before I rear them further. I do not trust on breeders' word. But it is part if the game.
Actually, I have learned a lot from breeders in other countries. I have yet to learn anything from Finland though.

Nothing to learn from here. Our climate is the least favorable to breed bees.

I have learned much about beekeeping from other countries. What I have learned from UK is that you can make syrup with laundry machine.

I am most proud that I revealed that LASI virgins/hybrids are humbug. But you did not have balls to say it aloud, even if you knew it.

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" If only best birds can sing in the forest, forest will be very silent."


Sums it up beautifully!

It's only relatively recently that bee breeders have had the option of full control of both parental lines and yet great strides have been made in breeding bees more suited to our desires long before island mating and II came on the scene. To dismiss all that work and the continuing work of breeders who choose open mating is nonsense and disrespectful.
99.9% of queens kept in hives all over the world for production and breeding purposes are open mated, most closed breeding programmes themselves only keep a few breeding lines controlled and production queens from them are open mated and the bees themselves have a biological driving force to push them towards many and varied matings, yet to read B +'s comments he believes its his less than 0.1% of bees or of little to no value.
It's great that breeders strive to improve their stock and that some go to meticulous lengths and serious cooperation to do so, but as soon as they start saying their way is the only way of value it's obvious they're full of bsh1+

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