I have three hives that have been good for three years.
This year hive 1 appeared to have swarmed in mid April. So I put brood from hive 2 into it.
Hives 2 and 3 both had Qcells which we removed and seemed health.
Both appeared to requeen - just a couple of supersede cells. No numerous swarm cells.
Now all three hives look diseased what with ??? and can I recover any hives. Hive 3 is big three supers 2 heavy, hive 2 smaller 1 super - heavish - hive 1 weak.
No queens present - or no normal brood - all very calm - which I find strange as hey're usually an aggressive lot when Q-
Help Please

This year hive 1 appeared to have swarmed in mid April. So I put brood from hive 2 into it.
Hives 2 and 3 both had Qcells which we removed and seemed health.
Both appeared to requeen - just a couple of supersede cells. No numerous swarm cells.
Now all three hives look diseased what with ??? and can I recover any hives. Hive 3 is big three supers 2 heavy, hive 2 smaller 1 super - heavish - hive 1 weak.
No queens present - or no normal brood - all very calm - which I find strange as hey're usually an aggressive lot when Q-
Help Please