A friend asked me to help him with 2 hives someone abandon on his property. Both hives had 3 deeps and 4 supers stacked on top of each other. Taking the hives apart 1 hive had 2 deeps packed solid with bees. The hive was loaded with honey pollen and many queen cells. The 2 deeps were packed so tight with bees I was shocked. The 2nd hive was empty, and everything was full of mold. I looked for a queen cell with no luck in the packed hive. If there was one I would be surprised if I found her. My question is the hive was loaded with drones. There were frames packed on both sides with drones. There was a ton on bees but the ratio of drones to bees was much higher than normaI. I made a split with plenty of resources and a couple of queen cells. I'm expecting some queens this week so ill check them later in the week and take a couple more splits off of it. What would be the reason for so many drones?
A friend asked me to help him with 2 hives someone abandon on his property. Both hives had 3 deeps and 4 supers stacked on top of each other. Taking the hives apart 1 hive had 2 deeps packed solid with bees. The hive was loaded with honey pollen and many queen cells. The 2 deeps were packed so tight with bees I was shocked. The 2nd hive was empty, and everything was full of mold. I looked for a queen cell with no luck in the packed hive. If there was one I would be surprised if I found her. My question is the hive was loaded with drones. There were frames packed on both sides with drones. There was a ton on bees but the ratio of drones to bees was much higher than normaI. I made a split with plenty of resources and a couple of queen cells. I'm expecting some queens this week so ill check them later in the week and take a couple more splits off of it. What would be the reason for so many drones?