Moving hives sooner than I'd like

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Yes, it may be easier to shift but a single wheel is far smoother on rough ground.
After shifting a few hives over the last few days into an unprepared farm field with a 4 wheel collapsible flatbed trolley. After the fact - I wish I hadn't. The carnage that the bees ejected out the entrance after being freed was heartbreaking and sickening. I expect that I'll know the final score of any lasting affect in May.

Then there is the aspect of practicality. Even if I had the ideal tool for the job... there is still the practical consideration of how to transport said tool as well as the hives. The car can only transport a trolley/wheelbarrow or the hives and the trolley/wheelbarrow is needed at both locations - that is a lot of miles & time back and forth.

You use the tools you have on hand at the time - not the tools you wish you had.

Experience is a hard teacher.
After shifting a few hives over the last few days into an unprepared farm field with a 4 wheel collapsible flatbed trolley. After the fact - I wish I hadn't. The carnage that the bees ejected out the entrance after being freed was heartbreaking and sickening. I expect that I'll know the final score of any lasting affect in May.

Then there is the aspect of practicality. Even if I had the ideal tool for the job... there is still the practical consideration of how to transport said tool as well as the hives. The car can only transport a trolley/wheelbarrow or the hives and the trolley/wheelbarrow is needed at both locations - that is a lot of miles & time back and forth.

You use the tools you have on hand at the time - not the tools you wish you had.

Experience is a hard teacher.
My worry in that situation would be the queens.Miles and time are quite the consideration but compared to a colony loss ? Starting over what would you have done differently is the question.
Roof rack?
Another ideal tool for the job... not everyone is able to lift a wheelbarrow/trolley up and off a roof rack.
My worry in that situation would be the queens
Yes my concern now too. The proof will be in Apr-May...
compared to a colony loss
In my scenario - whether I liked it or not - colony loss or not - they had to be moved now. With the tools I had on-hand. Not what tools I wished I had.

I'd used the 4 wheel trolley successfully over the last year moving hives and NUCs to/from/around a local forest and my garden. However, as I learnt - unimproved pasture is another beast entirely.
what would you have done differently is the question
Win a million in the lottery and purchase a landrover. Would have solved all my problems.

Under the same circumstances as this week - nothing I could do differently. By the time I was in the middle of the field it was either take the hives all the way back or continue the remaining 20m or so.

Mistakes will be made - lessons will be learnt.

I've had this on the shopping list for a little while. Shopping list doesn't help though when already in the middle of the field. To be added to the ever expanding future beekeeping shopping list when funds allow.
Another ideal tool for the job... not everyone is able to lift a wheelbarrow/trolley up and off a roof rack.

Yes my concern now too. The proof will be in Apr-May...

In my scenario - whether I liked it or not - colony loss or not - they had to be moved now. With the tools I had on-hand. Not what tools I wished I had.

I'd used the 4 wheel trolley successfully over the last year moving hives and NUCs to/from/around a local forest and my garden. However, as I learnt - unimproved pasture is another beast entirely.

Win a million in the lottery and purchase a landrover. Would have solved all my problems.

Under the same circumstances as this week - nothing I could do differently. By the time I was in the middle of the field it was either take the hives all the way back or continue the remaining 20m or so.

Mistakes will be made - lessons will be learnt.

I've had this on the shopping list for a little while. Shopping list doesn't help though when already in the middle of the field. To be added to the ever expanding future beekeeping shopping list when funds allow.
All you need is a helicopter that can take a pallet with hives strapped on it as an underslung load.
As you say, you only have the tools you have at the time!
you need is a helicopter that can take a pallet with hives strapped on it as an underslung load
A little off-topic... A helicopter underslung load story from my previous life.

As a young Engineer I was working on a project to provide Mobile Phone coverage in the outback of the land down-under. For maximum coverage distance reasons you want sites to be on the highest point of land in any coverage area typically a hill or mountain summit. There were many sites that were helicopter access only. For those sites all personal and materiel were flown up to the work area. On one particular site the underslung load net trickled its contents across the countryside including a few specialized test-kits. These specialized test-kits in those days cost more than a house. Needless to say the boss had all of us for a week doing emu-parades across the countryside up and back to the summit by foot. I was much fitter back then - but I still consider those emu-parades some of the hardest yakka I've ever done. And no we didn't find any of the stuff lost from the helicopter.
Mistakes will be made - lessons will be learnt.

I've had this on the shopping list for a little while. Shopping list doesn't help though when already in the middle of the field. To be added to the ever expanding future beekeeping shopping list when funds allow.
I think one lesson to learn is not to use two wheels.
The wheel barrow conversions JBM posted are far superior to the item pictured above.
I picked up the frame of a barrow today to be converted over the next week or so.
I think one lesson to learn is not to use two wheels.

From experience...

On even ground, two wheels are lovely. On uneven ground they're a major pain in the bum.

I used a two-wheeled barrow chassis as the basis for my hive barrow because I had it kicking around. I still use it on uneven ground, but only because I'm ok supporting it on one wheel if necessary (most of the time). When time allows I shall whip both wheels off and turn it into a single wheel barrow to make life easier.

Just a quick update on this: beemum and I moved her two hives to their new home this afternoon/evening.
Hopefully they are all OK and settle into their new home well
Well done sutty