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    • Paras
      Paras reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Flow Hives with Like Like.
      Message @Paras He has Flow hives and does very well with them. I think @ericbeaumont is a mate of his?
    • Paras
      Paras reacted to ericbeaumont's post in the thread Flow Hives with Like Like.
      Yes, Paras is the treasurer at Epping Forest BKA, has always run Flow Langs and does well with them; I believe that Flow made him their...
    • Paras
      Paras replied to the thread Flow Hives.
      You can make a hybrid frame and place the National deep frame in Langstroth frame If they have an 8 frame brood box I would suggest...
    • Paras
      Paras replied to the thread Flow Hives.
      You can make a hybrid frame and place the National deep frame in Langstroth frame My new queens sometimes are very prolific and does...
      • 1718911257194.png
    • Paras
      again in heavy predation areas, these traps are very effective! More so because they have plenty of room, attract others in and dont...
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