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  1. Paras

    Flow Hives

    You can make a hybrid frame and place the National deep frame in Langstroth frame If they have an 8 frame brood box I would suggest a double brood box configuration, however this is only the same with younger prolific queens based on my experience. Yes the supers are heavy, people who...
  2. Paras

    Flow Hives

    You can make a hybrid frame and place the National deep frame in Langstroth frame My new queens sometimes are very prolific and does need 16 frame Langstroth of brood space. However you can manage them on a single brood which will require a proactive swarm control. Yes the supers are...
  3. Paras

    Asian hornet traps and baits - please review what you've used

    Please do share the website to make orders or give in our interest, I would be interested with that price. How many is required in apiary of 15 colonies?
  4. Paras

    Flow alternative?

    The FlowHive works in the UK, I get about 88lbs on a strong colony, harvested 485lbs from my garden in 2022 leaving another 450lbs of honey for the bees to winter with. Therefore I would not totally dismiss the idea that they don't work.
  5. Paras

    Flow alternative?

    Interesting, at least it is an original idea and not a copy. The frames appear shallow / medium so might require 2/3 supers. Compared with the FlowHive it would seems it was flowing much slower. I certainly would keep to my FlowHive. :)
  6. Paras

    Asian hornet traps and baits - please review what you've used

    Is this a tested trap? that price would be good as many others would be happy to join the fight with low costs.
  7. Paras

    Asian hornet traps and baits - please review what you've used

    Yes have watched his Youtube, I am sure the one Richard recommends the "Jabeprode" are good, since there are now many options out there its looking at the best and also the cheapest. As not all beekeepers will buy traps that will cost about £100 for each trap.
  8. Paras

    Asian hornet traps and baits - please review what you've used

    Anyone come across this trap, if you have used it would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you
  9. Paras

    Newbie here

    The management of the brood box is the same as traditional beekeeping, you still need to ensure you have a good healthy colony, and there is no diseases or issues. If the health is good and good swarm control management is done, a good nectar flow would fill the FlowHive Super 2/3 times in the...
  10. Paras

    Newbie here

    All my FlowHives are 8's and therefore I use on stronger colonies 2 brood box and winter with them. However the 10's you can use a traditional super and leave the bees for to winter in. On the 1st year you would have to feed if they don't have enough stores. Hope that helps
  11. Paras

    Newbie here

    I leave my FlowHive Super in a storage box near my apiary, after the bees have cleaned them out and drained them before I store them. I remove supers off end of Aug beginning on Sept and they are back on the hives in April as long as the colony is strong. However It's warmer here in London...
  12. Paras

    Newbie here

    You can follow me on instagram or YouTube beekeeping blog, you will get ideas for your beekeeping management from my mistakes and posts I have made.
  13. Paras

    Newbie here

    Hi @Suze I have 8 FlowHives and I remove the super at the end of Autumn, since I treat all my colonies for varroa and allow the bees to build their stores for winter. I have fellow FlowHive beekeepers I have mentored and they have harvested OSR from their FlowHive without any issue. There is a...
  14. Paras

    Queen trap swarm prevention

    I can't comment about Heather honey as not sure how thick it is, however I did harvest 3 seasons ago honey with water content of 14%. this took 9hrs to Flow out, the honey tasted like heaven. In order to save time I harvest the honey in honey buckets directly from the Flowhive using a food...
  15. Paras

    Queen trap swarm prevention

    I know of a beekeeper who got his FlowHives in OSR area and he has managed to harvest, however his set-up is different from others he has his hive in a mobile hut with a constant temp control. Another beekeeper who managed without any issues had his on the OSR farm, however I think it is about...