Beekeeping - wheelchair users

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they use a 'train' at the local hospital to collect and deliver laundry, etc.
there is a ramp at the back of the hospital, from 1st floor down to ground, you can't half get up some speed down the ramp in a wheelchair!
Great post pete, sounds like he was quite a guy. Was really interesting to read all the extra things you need to think about to do this stuff in a wheelchair, but also how anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
Would it be crass to say I enjoyed your comments? People live on in the memories of others and in this case someone whose glass was half full can inspire others who did not even know him.
The next time I have a drink I'll raise my glass to John and to you. Pete.
The next time I worry about the 'what if' of my (very minor) cancer I'll think about the two of you as well.
we used to say that we only got cancer because we wanted to trendy like kylie, lol

i must admit the first time was the worst for everyone not just me but the family too, the second time no one realy notices as you can just deal with it and when you cant , i would go to the allotment/bee shed and hide.

the main question was tho about wheely users and the biggest problems you will have is the fact that as a "leggy" you never realise whats out of reach. ever wondered why you have to stoop when you use a cash point machine?? if you dont stoop down its far to high for a wheely and most dont or cant use them any way.

as for bee keeping you have to rember that if some thing goes wrong they cant run away they are forced to deal with the hive problems, and the other one is lifting as every thing is at arms length. try lifting a super with your arms straight out as a leggy is very heavy try doing it without the legs its imposible

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