Queen Bee
As the welfare of bees, and other pollinators, is hardly unconnected to successful agriculture why should any tax be levied on beekeepers?
It already is.
As the welfare of bees, and other pollinators, is hardly unconnected to successful agriculture why should any tax be levied on beekeepers?
It already is, I have to pay tax.
It already is.
As distinct from/in addition to anyone else who was selling produce?
Tax on selling honey.
How else can the NBU be funded except through taxation as it is now?
How else can the NBU be funded except through taxation as it is now?
It's not a matter of if so much as who and how.
If they can live in Korea they'll have no problem in the UK.
.... their just a very dynamic, clever , efficient insect!!
South Korea has extensive rice paddy's in the South of the country and is very different to the UK. It would appear that velutina has adapted in Korea to become more urbanised. I don't see the parallels in the UK. Velutina has largely replaced the indiginous hornet in Korea in those areas that it has established itself but interestingly the native hornet is very similar to velutina in respect of nesting habit and size suggesting that ecologically the right conditions exist to support velutina.
...the more I hear, the more I'm warming to them, perhaps they should be put on the protected list.