Dear Dear . schools called off indeed?
Back in 1947, 5 foot of snow didn't result in school closures .
Woke up Sunday morning to an eerie light (caused by snow covering the down stairs windows) . Mother opened front door , both of us then dug a path to the centre of the road (the snow plough had already been down the road ,Sunday or no ).
I then walked to church which was packed as usual , half way I met my mate and his father at the junction of a side road (all part of the adventure) .
Monday morning, school as usual and woe betide any absentees
Latterly I had a friend who taught at a school 25 miles away, his main complaint was that after arriving at school , an inch of snow having fallen, he found half the locally based staff ringing in with the excuse that they couldn't get their cars of their drives .
What a wonderful world
John Wilkinson