anaphylactic shock

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Air fresheners, toilet ducks, fabric conditioners, disinfectants that now kill 100% (used to be 99.9%:)) of germs for starters ,add to that best eaten by dates plus oodles of modern answers to a better life style .No wonder your redundant immune system has turned in on its'self :boxing_smiley:.
Idle hands find mischief etc.

John Wilkinson

You've not been round my house recently, have you...? Am most flattered that you think it would be like that though!:cheers2:
You've not been round my house recently, have you...? Am most flattered that you think it would be like that though!:cheers2:

Don't tell me, your idea of dusting is to open the windows on a windy day :)

Many many years ago an old man living down the lane would occasionally drag his carpet out into his front garden and beat the living daylights out of it, the resulting cloud of dust had the uninitiated believing they had seen a total eclipse of the sun.:laughing-smiley-004

John Wilkinson