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Hull Bees
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    • Hull Bees
      Hull Bees replied to the thread Hi, Chris here..
      Till a couple of years ago there was an inept beekeeper very near my apiary, now she's gone I think my bees are noticeably calmer but I...
    • Hull Bees
      Hull Bees reacted to JamezF's post in the thread rounded edges with Like Like.
      I've had to fix a few of my very old boxes where the corners have rounded off. Usually I just cut out the affected area and glue/pin in...
    • Hull Bees
      Hull Bees reacted to Sutty's post in the thread Ticks with Like Like.
      Watch out for "bullseye" marking around the tick bites and get urgent medical help if you do. Google Lyme disease if you don't already...
    • Hull Bees
      Hull Bees replied to the thread Tits!.
      There's been a birdbox very high up on my house wall, for years it wasn't used but since putting hives in the garden Great Tits use it...
    • Hull Bees
      Hull Bees reacted to Karol's post in the thread AH primary nest? with Like Like.
      Another give away is that velutina holds its wings out when at rest at circa 45° to its body whereas other vespines hold their wings in...
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