I received an update from my friend who's affiliated with the "Union National D'Apiculteurs Francais" . (French beekeeping union") They have just modified their original notice from 10 years ago and say now that treating Foul brood diseases, either AMF or EFB with any antibiotics is completely banned, on the grounds that no antibiotics tested, are actually working and treatment, even though it may appear to be working, only masks the underlying problem. More evidence for the hard decision treatment of burn and save others i would agree on !!
My old beekeeping teacher here in France) has told me stories of how he shook swarmed all 9 of his infected hives, in to new hives on new frames and all hives recovered quickly and with increased vigor!! this was some 20 years ago in an infection he got at one of his apiaries.
The thought of you being the "holding" apiary for brood diseases, as they are spread to your neighbours hives, just terrifies me!!
The consequences of major , uncontrolled infection are too much !!
In Jersey, my old Home, they had a huge outbreak some 3 years ago. Their was, some 30 to 40 % infection, if i remember rightly! They have surprisingly recovered well, due to swift action by Agg and Fish and good beekeeping Association with well trained members and help from the uk.
Also i think, partly because they have very few wild swarms of AMM. Something we have lots of here still!! Worrying.