Advice on getting a dog

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If you want to run with a dog, can I suggest you take a look at

the distances of the races will give you a guide as to what is considered good for the dogs.

we have 3 collies and a GSD, they all (bar the eldest collie bitch) compete in agility, this keeps their minds active. IME there is absolutely nothing wrong with leaving dogs alone for a number of hours, our get quite shirty with us when we disturb their sleep pattern by having a week of work. but having said that, from now untill october we'll be going to competitions every other weekend and a couple of nights in the van does tend to knacker them out for a few days. all 4 of them have barely opened their eyes since we got home yesterday afternoon ;)

I think a collie will tick most of your boxes, and if you prioritise stamina then you might want to look at Aussie kelpie, Tracy was telling us on the weekend that one of the ******* that she bred is doing very well at cani-cross.
DON'T DO IT. They stink, everything they leave behind them stinks, everything they come in contact with is destroyed or covered in god knows what germs, or hair and all they give in return is a wagged tail and a stick or ball that you put your shoulder out throwing for them...
One more question about beekeeping and dogs. Do you take them with you when you go out to the bees?

Both dogs are fascinated by the bees - the bograt (sorry, miniature dachsund) mooches around the hives all the time she loves to sit under the hive - i think she likes the noise, but because she wanders off on a forage i can't open up with her there as when I'm concentrating I'd probably lose her.
The spaniel would sit in front of a nuc with her nose almost in the entrance watching the bees and does sometimes come with me on an inspection. Both have been stung, due to her rather nervous disposition the spaniel is a bit more cautious now but the bograt is still into the apiary like a shot.
DON'T DO IT. They stink, everything they leave behind them stinks, everything they come in contact with is destroyed or covered in god knows what germs, or hair and all they give in return is a wagged tail and a stick or ball that you put your shoulder out throwing for them...


The farm sheep dog I looked after as a lad had flaked maize in some milk once per day and scraps of meat left over from dinner.
It could run fast.

Buy some more bees instead.
This is how I used to advise my clients when I was in practice as a vet.

Running long distances is quite unfair on a dog who wants to stop and sniff and pee lots of different places.
Running with him tethered to a you by a lead is even worse.
Dogs, whatever their breed, are social animals and should not be left alone all day.

susbees is right......get a couple of cats and run on your own.

The Dalmatian was bred for accompanying stage coaches and will happily lope along forever!

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The Dalmatian was bred for accompanying stage coaches and will happily lope along forever!

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No No No ... We had one - worst dog we've ever had for training ! Completely knew what he had to do and then did exactly what he liked !! Brilliant with kids, lovely temperament - ATE everything - 3 piece suite, kitchen units, floor tiles, ate his way through a horse hair plaster wall in the cottage we lived in then ate the dining room carpet in the next room. Could do more damage whilst being left for an hour than a hurricane in the same time !! As for recall - cloth ears unless he felt like coming back. We tried everything - if he wanted to go nothing stopped him - and you are right - he COULD run all day, usually in the wrong direction !! He was lovely but what a nightmare - 5 years at dog training club where he reached near perfection. Take him out for a walk - zippo !!

He could clear a 6 ' fence and was an escapist of incredible ability. The local kids used to bring him back (my wife was a teacher at the local school) and I'd give them a shilling. One day, there was a knock at the door and there was a child with 'your dog' on a bit of string - I provided the mandatory shilling ... walked into the kitchen and my wife said 'What have you got there ?' I said, "Kids brought him back, must have got out" she said - "well what's that in the Garden then ?". Pretty obvious when I looked down at what I'd been given - someone else's Dalmatian !! Clearly a breed characteristic !!
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My list for a dog was very similar to yours Polyanwood. I spent two years looking for an adult dog. Last October I adopted a seven year old labrador bitch from the local rescue. This was after visiting four or five times at different times of day and taking her for several long walks from the rescue.
I think this is vital, as well as asking the questions about previous owners. If you can't take the dog out of the rescue for an hour or so, don't take the dog.
My advice would be to take someone along who "knows" dogs on these walks to spot signs of dominance or anxiety even when the dog is say, wagging its tail. It's the way they wag it, the whole body language that can say so much. Perhaps your sister as she knows you and your life, and has dog experience. Or a local dog trainer, as they know such much about dog behaviour. If you have to pay for that, it could well be worth it in the long run.
Like others have implied, I would say it's the dog that is important, not the breed. This is my first pedigree dog, all the other mutts have been, of course, the best dogs in the world!
She's black! No problem yet with bees harrassing her, they have other things to worry about.
Well I've had dogs all my life, 3 black Labrador ******* all from 8 week old pups to 12 /13 years old.

Not one of them ever put a foot wrong, easy to train very trustworthy with children, biddable & very affectionate. however they do suffer with bad hips and shoulders, so get one from a farmer or game keeper they should be healthier lines.

There is one caveat, I'd be very wary of getting an older dog, unless you are very confident of knowing it's history, ie you've known the dog for years and it's owner.
Having lost my last lab last year I was persuaded to give a 9 year old lab bitch a home, it had been badlly abused by several owners, this has been a complete disaster ! It wimpers ALL the time, howels at night, cannot be left alone for more than 1 hour else it howels like a wolf constantly. Wee's and poo's in the house despite being put outside regularly, etc etc.... But it is not destructive and is very loving.
I've had it for four months now, I'm not sure if I will persevere much longer.
just be very careful in your choice
Get a stuffed one. Less mess and noise. More likely to keep your sanity. We took in a terrier that got dumped here. They should be renamed terrorers. I like my border collie though. Although they do nip small children and have bred in mental illness in thr form of obssessive compulsive disorder so need a lot of excersise to keep them calm and sane.

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Whats a shilling?? :biggrinjester:

Ha Ha Ha - its 12d or 48 farthings ...lets not get into Groats or half crowns eh ? They were REAL money ... I used to buy a gallon of petrol for 6/8d and there was change from 10 bob for a packet of 20 **** ... It's a different language isn't it ? Am I REALLY that old ? Answers not required ...
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Nahhh, petrol was 4s11p gallon, and I could buy five and a half pints of mild and a scotch egg, and have change out of ten bob...........
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Nahhh, petrol was 4s11p gallon, and I could buy five and a half pints of mild and a scotch egg, and have change out of ten bob...........

Now that's ridiculous .... nobody still living is THAT old !

Wait a minute .... is that the thunder of stampeding virtual feet I hear ????
Now that's ridiculous .... nobody still living is THAT old !

Wait a minute .... is that the thunder of stampeding virtual feet I hear ????

Thunder! Thunder!
Oh! Yes there is :D

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I've always wanted a newfoundland. I reckon they'd come in handy if you live in an area prone to flooding

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