A Lesson on how not to?

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I kind of feel bad for posting it now. It wasn't supposed to be a witch hunt or anything like that. Just as a newbie I found it quite worrying. Maybe as was mentioned before it is the professional setup that leads you to expect a great video.

My concern is the length of time they must have been in that state by the time the video was made?

Sometimes the emotion of the moment can affect the way we express our concerns. You only wrote what most of us deep down probably initially thought. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Last weeks inspections made me wish I'd got a goldfish instead! :D
Sometimes the emotion of the moment can affect the way we express our concerns. You only wrote what most of us deep down probably initially thought. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Last weeks inspections made me wish I'd got a goldfish instead! :D

reminds me of a saying myself and a now departed very good friend of mine had and use to say when faced with a big task.

" have you ever had that feeling you are letting yourself in for something you just know you are going to regret "

I still say it now in memory of him
Did they eat it? I had one this spring full of condensation. A mess.

Couldn't really say, it was a lumpy mess but I have no idea how much was put in to compare whether they had eaten any substantial amount, they are hived fairly soon after collection and dummied down with fondant instead, they are being cared for by another person.
Sometimes the emotion of the moment can affect the way we express our concerns. You only wrote what most of us deep down probably initially thought. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Last weeks inspections made me wish I'd got a goldfish instead! :D

I get that. I have a large dog and, thanks to a lapse in judgement, 8 cats! Took in a stray cat who was heavily pregnant. Now I have 6 x 5 week old kittens ripping my house to bits!

In hindsight I would have just left the door shut...
I kind of feel bad for posting it now. It wasn't supposed to be a witch hunt or anything like that. Just as a newbie I found it quite worrying. Maybe as was mentioned before it is the professional setup that leads you to expect a great video.

My concern is the length of time they must have been in that state by the time the video was made?
Okay - you're a new beekeeper and you saw there was something wrong with what they were doing. That means you know more than maybe you thought you did.

They noticed there was something wrong too, and did something about it, which means they knew more than some people thought.

And we all know you didn't intend to start a witch hunt :)

He didn't have the best of luck with his second nuc being Q- but in the last video he united his Q- with a second provided by the beek who sold him the Q- and ended up running a double brood.
Unfortunately this sort of thing happens and, although not many people will admit it, it happens quite often - even with commercially sourced nucs.

The important thing is knowing what to do, and that's where sites like this forum can come in handy because it's where beekeepers describe a problem and ask for suggestions about how to fix it.
The important thing is knowing what to do, and that's where sites like this forum can come in handy because it's where beekeepers describe a problem and ask for suggestions about how to fix it.

But mostly young beekeepers do not do it, what is recommend to do. They do it, what they have intended to do before asking.

Second popular way is to select humbug alternative, because it feels so handy.

And what was the original question.... A small colony in a too big hive. Very usual case.


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At least he had the common sense to requeen. Everyone has made an error from time to time. Also as I stated in one of my earlier posts knowledge of what you read is not in the field hands on experience.
I'm far too young to remember that tv program. :spy:

It was Arthur Marshall, but also Patrick Campbell

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I remember them all - his opponent - chybby, white hair glasses wasn't it something like Arthur Marshall?

Dennis Norden .... Driest wit ever - very funny man - had him as an after dinner speaker once - brought the house down.

PS: Just re-read the post - I think Dennis Norden was on the radio version with him - or was it What's My Line ? LOoooong time ago ...
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They had all sorts of presenters and team captains and I think it ran into this century. I remember Frank Muir and pppppppPatrick Campbell. The presenter with them was Robert combover Robinson.
At least he had the common sense to requeen. Everyone has made an error from time to time. Also as I stated in one of my earlier posts knowledge of what you read is not in the field hands on experience.

Nothing wrong in reading. Writing is then another thing.
I get that. I have a large dog and, thanks to a lapse in judgement, 8 cats! Took in a stray cat who was heavily pregnant. Now I have 6 x 5 week old kittens ripping my house to bits!

In hindsight I would have just left the door shut...

Nah! You'd have done what I would have, and let her in. (Always a sucker for a damsel in distress). ;)
reminds me of a saying myself and a now departed very good friend of mine had and use to say when faced with a big task.

" have you ever had that feeling you are letting yourself in for something you just know you are going to regret "

i still say it now in memory of him

This is what happens when you think to yourself " Hmm, a colony of bees would be nice. How hard can it be..........? " lol

At least he's open to suggestions, unlike some I've seen on youtube .

Yet if you decided to buy some animals and mistreat them albeit unintentionally you'll get hauled into the nearest court house for cruelty to animals, you have a duty of care for them, (even if we do eat them at the end of the day), but for some reason people are allowed to farm bees in whatever way they wish with no fear of breaking the law, for all we know that lunatic took the sugar water he fed them extracted it and sold it at the local organic market into the food chain. If you wanted you could extract all the stores from your hives starve everyone of them to death, sit back thinking you've done a great job even though you killed them all and face no repercussions for doing this.

The man is eager and has all the equipment to do the job right, just lacks the basic level of understanding, sure making mistakes is how we learn but you should not be allowed to have bees unless you pass a beginners course at your local association which will give the basic level of understanding in looking after and handling them, which clearly he hasn't got.

It went from bad to worse in the last bee upload, none since perhaps they're all dead.


Who would supply such a disgusting hive to a beginner? Its hard to see if that's really old capped stores or an advanced brood disease in the lower box frames he pulls out.

Its not right that you can be doing your best to do everything correctly in looking after them and then possibly this kind of carry on is happening over the hedge behind you.

There should be massive fines etc for flouting bee protection laws same as animals.
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