A Lesson on how not to?

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You are so right Finman....there are some really unhelpful & unpleasant comments on here about this guy....why do people need to be so unkind and so acidic. There are a handful of people who just make this whole forum very unpleasant.
This chap produces regular videos about his allotment. His bees got stolen from this site and he set up else where. At his new site he did have some help from a bee keeper but whether he still keeps bees, I don't know.

Not sure if the original Nuc he was sold was queenless and because his lack of experience he just took the bee keepers word that everything was fine. Just highlights how important it is to get some training before getting your bees.
You are so right Finman....there are some really unhelpful & unpleasant comments on here about this guy....why do people need to be so unkind and so acidic. There are a handful of people who just make this whole forum very unpleasant.

I agree on the last sentence, and on the tone generally. But I think there is a reasonable answer to the question, which is that a bit of effort taking information OFF the web rather than pushing content ONTO it would have gone some of the way to helping "Tony" meet the responsibility he was taking on. It's provocative that, however unwittingly, he highlights that lack of thought and preparation. @Galaxy55's point about his possibly having been ripped off is a good one, but the point stands that he was planning to take on a responsibility and was not prepared for it. That is not just an issue for himself and his surrounding beekeepers but his bees and I think most people on here are speaking for the latter. They can't sting him for real so do so verbally.
There's no malicious intent in my comments more frustration and disbelief, if this were someone video recording their ineptitude at caring for a puppy I'm positive that he wouldn't get the same responses of he just needs some help, the fact that they are 'just Bees' seems to override the fact that he clearly jumped into the hobby with both feet before fully preparing himself with sufficient knowledge to discharge his duty in looking after them properly, Im certainly no expert and pretty new to Beekeeping myself, BUT I took the time to read up as much as possible and to join this forum which is a great resource with many view points which can help steer the direction in which you take your hobby.
I would say that some of the most basic entry level knowledge would be identification of BIAS and finding the queen (or evidence of her presence).
It is saddening to hear that someone stole his Bees but we can at least take comfort in that they probably didn't prosper anyway and that his new colony was Q+ and helped him to learn what to look for.
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Was that not a queen walking across the middle of the frame 3.25 into the video?
Was that not a queen walking across the middle of the frame 3.25 into the video?

I looked at that section of the video several times and I do not see a queen.

Some of the content of this unlucky beekeeper's video may be a bit suspect but I cannot help but admire his videoing technique - two cameras and synchronised sound system from a remote mike inside his veil makes it a cut above a lot of stuff on Youtube. That may be what some of the criticism is about - the excellent video (technically) gives the impression of an expert beekeeper when in fact the guy is relatively inexperienced.

I've looked several times aswell, I've froze the frame and enlarged it as best I can but at best it's an oversized worker (possibly developing ovaries to become a drone layer)

Actually this forum is full of similar stories, when you read between lines.

It is indeed, and there's no real need to read between the lines. Threads such as this one aren't exactly going to encourage anybody to ask for some help!
It is indeed, and there's no real need to read between the lines. Threads such as this one aren't exactly going to encourage anybody to ask for some help!

I kind of feel bad for posting it now. It wasn't supposed to be a witch hunt or anything like that. Just as a newbie I found it quite worrying. Maybe as was mentioned before it is the professional setup that leads you to expect a great video.

My concern is the length of time they must have been in that state by the time the video was made?
at the end of the day regardless, one thing is he did not give up.
there was a problem, he spotted it and attempted to sort it.
Ok it went south, he could have put the lot in a nuc and it still could have gone south. he could have said its lost and just left it.

Where is the impact of this? on you ? on me ? no it is on his pocket not ours. so he lost a nuc and a second queen thats a tough lesson but if something was learned, and obviously it was then thats the way it is.

Yes it is painful to watch, but the event has passed and the outcome reached. if it was the present and happening now then a mirage of advise would be placed on the replies page to the vid. there is no use trying to shut the stable door when the horse has bolted !

Someone said invite him to the forum. darn good idea the forum should be like a library of knowledge where answers can be found and if not answers at least guidance.where for those brave enough to post the errors of there ways, where people can learn from them.
yet it seems to turn into a place where you get covered in wet brown matter after it hitting the fan.

now before I hit the " submit reply " button I had best get my brolly out
I kind of feel bad for posting it now. It wasn't supposed to be a witch hunt or anything like that. Just as a newbie I found it quite worrying. Maybe as was mentioned before it is the professional setup that leads you to expect a great video.

My concern is the length of time they must have been in that state by the time the video was made?

No way feel bad, not in the slightest. do not even think of going there. you saw it was wrong, you asked was it wrong and it points to yes.
spotting the errors is like a hazard avoidance test. it shows you have an understanding of what to avoid.

If I was you I would feel one step more confident by it all !
No way feel bad, not in the slightest. do not even think of going there. you saw it was wrong, you asked was it wrong and it points to yes.
spotting the errors is like a hazard avoidance test. it shows you have an understanding of what to avoid.

If I was you I would feel one step more confident by it all !

Well thanks! I guess my five years prep for my own bees arrival next week have paid off to a degree :winner1st:
There are a handful of people who just make this whole forum very unpleasant.

The op has put the link up. The discussion has become heated.
It happens quite a bit here.
Whether people are rude or inflammatory is not really the point.
One posts on Internet fora at ones peril anyway. I think you'll find the most opinionated experienced beekeepers are the ones who dish out the best help. We have a beginners' section where a couple of these exuberant posters are not allowed access and honestly........ sometimes novices advise others and the thread descends into farce till one of the heavy hitters wades in with the right answer.
It's arrogance and a refusal to acquire the basics rather than ignorance or stupidity that usually get you shot between the eyes.
Must say though, after wading through Youtube, the subsequent videos, the loss of the bees and the movement of the hive to a new apiary were much more encouraging.

He didn't have the best of luck with his second nuc being Q- but in the last video he united his Q- with a second provided by the beek who sold him the Q- and ended up running a double brood.

We live and learn eh?

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