A Lesson on how not to?

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This isn't the worst thing I've heard, one of our local club members said he saw a guy post on Facebook that he saw a swarm, was able to actually identify the queen and then the moron crushed her intentionally, and he had the even more dumb and arrogant idea to post it on Facebook.

The devils work. That's what I mean!
This is what happens when you think to yourself " Hmm, a colony of bees would be nice. How hard can it be..........? " lol

At least he's open to suggestions, unlike some I've seen on youtube .
This isn't the worst thing I've heard, one of our local club members said he saw a guy post on Facebook that he saw a swarm, was able to actually identify the queen and then the moron crushed her intentionally, and he had the even more dumb and arrogant idea to post it on Facebook.

sorry I can not think of a politer way of saying this,
Now that is being a dumb ass crushing a queen in a swarm, have I missed some logic in doing that ?

or am I still thinking straight in if I see her move her if possible into the swarm box ( nuc ) and sit back with a cup of tea while they all line up to follow her in there !

for me seeing the queen in a swarm would be divine inspiration and a god send
knowing my luck I would find the most bad tempered lot on gods green earth whos paramount aim would be to turn me into a pin cushion
The guy needs help in his start of beekeeping. Not beating.

Agree with you Finman. Amazing how many 'beginners' suddenly turn into seasoned experts on here as well! Nothing like a witch burning to bring people together. :)
I have dropped a frame or 2 once with the queen on it. lucky I found her and nothing worse than looking dumb in front of another beekeeper happened, thank god.
What was the comment section like? Did anyone offer him guidance? YouTube can be a rough place, esp when you make mistakes. I'm just glad it didn't occur to me to film any of my first efforts lol
I have dropped a frame or 2 once with the queen on it. lucky I found her and nothing worse than looking dumb in front of another beekeeper happened, thank god.

YEP! Bet we've ALL made mistakes as there is a lot to take in when you start beekeeping. (except the perfect ones that frequent some forums of course)
A lot depends on where he has gained his limited knowledge I suppose. What he needs is a decent mentor and he should be fine as he HAS made a FEW good points. (well...one anyway) What he lacks in knowledge, he certainly make up for in enthusiasm....and cameras!:)
What was the comment section like? Did anyone offer him guidance? YouTube can be a rough place, esp when you make mistakes. I'm just glad it didn't occur to me to film any of my first efforts lol

Most wished him luck, but one suggested he put the candy plug at the bottom on the intro. cage. (a beekeeper I guessed) Any one spot the error? Take a look at the video Kaz...it's worth going back a few years....lol:)
I saw the vid, but I'm on my mobile and can't see them comments. First world problems ;)

Yes he's a noob, but you wouldn't go and buy a dog without knowing how to look after it, and there's no way on earth I'd film my blundering and post it on YouTube!

I suspect that the tiny number of bees remaining by the time he actually added a queen were all doomed! Even if she got to work immediately I can't see them living long enough to raise brood :angelsad2:
Agree with you Finman. Amazing how many 'beginners' suddenly turn into seasoned experts on here as well! Nothing like a witch burning to bring people together. :)

I wasn't trying to start a witch hunt. It just worried me just how terrible the situation seemed to be. And as birdsandbees said below, they must have been left in that state for a long time and that to me was the most worrying part.


Yes he's a noob, but you wouldn't go and buy a dog without knowing how to look after it, and there's no way on earth I'd film my blundering and post it on YouTube!

I suspect that the tiny number of bees remaining by the time he actually added a queen were all doomed! Even if she got to work immediately I can't see them living long enough to raise brood :angelsad2:
To be honest, compared to some of the beekeeping stuff on youtube, it isn't too bad. At least he is (was) trying to do the right thing by his bees - unlike that woman who shook hers onto foundationless frames in February - and he'd probably been told that all he needed to do was feed them and they'd be okay.

But I've said it before, its very easy to be ultra critical, over a decent cup of tea and nice biscuits. He's obviously keen which is good!! I hope he gets a mentor soon too!!

I hope so too. He deserves, and needs, some help.
To be honest, compared to some of the beekeeping stuff on youtube, it isn't too bad. At least he is (was) trying to do the right thing by his bees - unlike that woman who shook hers onto foundationless frames in February - and he'd probably been told that all he needed to do was feed them and they'd be okay.

I hope so too. He deserves, and needs, some help.

Invite him to the forum?
Are we waiting to see if he joins the forum and starts making threats? :icon_204-2:

The gently supporting posts are most out of character for the forum?

Maybe I'm weird but whenever I embark on a new hobby, especially one that could literally be life or death for the subject, I do my research and lots of it. And as for mentors, we have also seen and read about the damage done when poor advice is administered by so called mentors! Better to get your information from MANY sources and work out from that which best suits you, your bees and whichever dilemma presents itself.
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I watched the vid- whilst it's car crash beekeeping doomed to failure - it appears he has done some research, just not enough. Those of you worried about the bees' long term suffering under his care can take comfort in the knowledge that the bees got stolen in September. There is a rather sad vid showing him stood amongst the remains of the hive -crownboard, roof and floor were left?!! Strange. But bees and brood box gone. I felt very sorry for him.
He got himself another colony of bees .....

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