A Feeding Question

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House Bee
Apr 23, 2022
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Donegal, Ireland
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And possibly a silly one at that. Thinking of feeding for comb building. I see a lot of advice to ‘trickle feed’ rather than glug a couple of kilos of syrup on and let them take it down. What do we mean by trickle feed? A litre at a time or 1.5 litres, let them finish it, leave it a few days then repeat? What’s the general practice?

And possibly a silly one at that. Thinking of feeding for comb building. I see a lot of advice to ‘trickle feed’ rather than glug a couple of kilos of syrup on and let them take it down. What do we mean by trickle feed? A litre at a time or 1.5 litres, let them finish it, leave it a few days then repeat? What’s the general practice?

I’m feeding twice a week ruffle 1 litre each time for brood rearing .

Edit : only strong colony’s
they'll only build comb when they need it, certainly not in this weather, and if the weather improves - and there is a flow on, they won't need feeding. Another danger is, syrup will get into the honey however hard you try and avoid it.
they'll only build comb when they need it, certainly not in this weather, and if the weather improves - and there is a flow on, they won't need feeding. Another danger is, syrup will get into the honey however hard you try and avoid it.
Not just when they need it there’s just not the bees of the right age to build wax now.
As to feeding small amounts to stimulate the queen to lay it works on strong colony’s without them storing syrup.
the availabiity of pollen is more important.
Six weeks before you need the bees on the crop. I tinkered with putting some on a couple of colonies in February for the dandelions but dismissed it. Just as well or I'd be feeding them next month
Six weeks before you need the bees on the crop. I tinkered with putting some on a couple of colonies in February for the dandelions but dismissed it. Just as well or I'd be feeding them next month
Well I’m feeding 38 strong colony’s some will get pollen frames the others home made pollen sub 4/6 weeks prior to a flow.
I’ve tried this since 2021

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