Colonies send out a few experienced foragers to locate nectar/pollen resources. They are called 'scout bees'. So I would doubt that all the foragers would waste effort searching for forage indiscriminately; and secondly, unless adequate returns are available, they won't be sent of on a 'wild goose chase' for less food than the energy used in doing it!
Unless they are stupid bees!
I would likely go with a damaged/failed queen too late for replacement, but it could be anything really.
My one failure in the autumn (not a winter loss) was down to no brood, either no queen or just no brood. Lots of stores (no brood to feed), but dead all the same.
Regards, RAB
Unless they are stupid bees!
I would likely go with a damaged/failed queen too late for replacement, but it could be anything really.
My one failure in the autumn (not a winter loss) was down to no brood, either no queen or just no brood. Lots of stores (no brood to feed), but dead all the same.
Regards, RAB