Isn't it time there was a special section just for the discussion about "insulation of beehives" (like there is for queen breeding and rearing) where people, who wish to do so, can endlessly debate the topic to their hearts content. I have been hearing both sides of these arguments for over 50 yrs and still people don't agree. Or extend it to cover other areas of related contention like "top and bottom ventilation" as well as "frames arranged warm versus cold way".
It is nothing different to ''is my hive queenless?''
Perhaps that should have a separate section, too. Doubtless many others like oxalic acid trickling, thymol use, when to feed, how much to feed, what to feed ... the list is endless.
50 years? So not a recent issue since OMFs, the demise of matchsticks, introduction of polyhives and other recent advancements?
Let's be honest here, insulation has always been used to help the bees overwinter - even if it was simply by using WBC hives. Just a shame the dino's don't concede and join the ranks of the more progressive beeks.
Someone here said, It is easier to keep a herd of cows than keep bees
Someone here said, It is easier to keep a herd of cows than keep bees
foreign languages never my strong point pren ywen is how I'd know it
I was thinking about keeping cows for the milk but I couldnt find any hive plans.
Simple - just weave some in the shape of a lampshade and smear the walls with bee sh!t but remember - only feed them on cane sugar!
If it is that much of a puzzlle, I am puzzled as to why some try to keep bees!
I've got a slight handicap at the moment unfortunately SWMBO jetted out to Africa a month ago - was planning on going to 'my' orphanage and sort out their administration etc, but being a high flyer they sent her to Uganda instead. About a month before she went she acquired a replacement for poor Mabel, she's about a year old and tiny (even for a miniature dachsund) and is already suffering from separation anxiety thus when I'm not working (she senses when I'm on the laptop I'm busy) she finds her way on to my lap using one arm as a cushion so I have to type one handed !
Maintaining a HoneyBee colony is a highly complex and time consuming task. So its best to leave to those most qualified.