What's flowering as forage in your area

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You’ve had a much better season than you expected after a poor Winter. Nice one👍🐝
I can't believe how it's turned itself round. The flow here has been tremendous and I have had two boxes of honey off what was an early swarm I collected. Changed the queen for a quieter one and they have flourished. Up to four hives with three of them doing really well. I was gutted at the end of winter as you know but chuffed as anything at the moment. ..... Thanks for noticing :hurray:
As usual - the Royal Welsh starts Monday, the blackberry is fast going over, and although we have the balsam and a little dab of fireweed................that's it for the summer, unless the heather kicks in.
I can't believe how it's turned itself round. The flow here has been tremendous and I have had two boxes of honey off what was an early swarm I collected. Changed the queen for a quieter one and they have flourished. Up to four hives with three of them doing really well. I was gutted at the end of winter as you know but chuffed as anything at the moment. ..... Thanks for noticing :hurray:
I jarred up a batch today and it was the sweetest honey I’ve ever tasted. Most of it was uncapped at 17%. I’m assuming it largely blackberry, but Is it very sweet?
One of the benefits of a semi-urban location ... so much in flower around here the bees are very busy. The loostrife and lavender is attracting a lot of attention. There's an exotic tree in a neighbours garden - no idea what it is and he doesn't know either (planted by a previous owner) small white flowers with diamond shaped leaves - even my phone app won't give any suggestions. Bees are all over it. Privet hedge in flower near by - bees all over it. Bramble still in blossom. Lots going on ...
I was surprised yesterday as there seems to be a sudden flow on after a really slow summer so far. The bees have never really produced where they are, and I was thinking that if the same happens this year I might have to move them somewhere else. But this year I've got a field of phacelia not half a mile away from the hives, so I'm thinking that's helping! Also the meadow the hives are in has been allowed to be a meadow again this year, unlike last year when donkeys were allowed in and stripped the lot (including all the bark off the trees :cry:). I'm hoping the heather will be next (again, didn't get any from it last year).
I was surprised yesterday as there seems to be a sudden flow on after a really slow summer so far. The bees have never really produced where they are, and I was thinking that if the same happens this year I might have to move them somewhere else. But this year I've got a field of phacelia not half a mile away from the hives, so I'm thinking that's helping! Also the meadow the hives are in has been allowed to be a meadow again this year, unlike last year when donkeys were allowed in and stripped the lot (including all the bark off the trees :cry:). I'm hoping the heather will be next (again, didn't get any from it last year).
Remember the last summer crop was rubbish due to the weather - wet and cool. The spring crop and blossom was superb. This year was the exact opposite. Lousy winter and spring. Quite a few losses and a very slow start. Summer has gone from starvation alerts about a month ago to supers overflowing now as the weather has picked up. Four supers and more seem common. Bees are remarkable creatures but the one thing we are unable to control is the weather. If the conditions are right and you have looked after your bees they will take full advantage of any forage available.
Bramble still flowering here along with privet, rosebay willowherb, ragwort & thistles around the hedges. Gardens are yielding mint, persicaria, globe thistles, echium, rudbeckia, sea daisies, mallow, Japanese spindle, borage, IMG_8183.jpegoregano and I’ve even seen bees on verbena this year.
I've just added a 4th super to one of mine here near Great Yarmouth. I'm hoping they will fill it but I fear the flow will be over soon. I have no idea what they are on. The brambles are almost finished
I've just added a 4th super to one of mine here near Great Yarmouth. I'm hoping they will fill it but I fear the flow will be over soon. I have no idea what they are on. The brambles are almost finished
I've noticed the flow slowing, here in Surrey. I think it'll be done before the week is out.
Things certainly seem to be slowing down in Dorset.
Plenty of ragwort and thistle still going.
A few brambles that haven’t yet flowered but the vast majority are going over.
Slightly miffed as there doesn’t seem to be much balsam around (despite being on a river meadow) but maybe it hasn’t flowered yet.
Wondering when to pull my honey harvest off. Probably going to leave it another couple of weeks as in no rush and something else like balsam or RBWH might come along.
Things certainly seem to be slowing down in Dorset.
Plenty of ragwort and thistle still going.
A few brambles that haven’t yet flowered but the vast majority are going over.
Slightly miffed as there doesn’t seem to be much balsam around (despite being on a river meadow) but maybe it hasn’t flowered yet.
Wondering when to pull my honey harvest off. Probably going to leave it another couple of weeks as in no rush and something else like balsam or RBWH might come along.
Plenty of balsam along the canals, here in Surrey. I'm pulling the Honey this weekend. Might be a bit more out there, but the main flow is done.

All of this is around 100m from me .Still a bit flowering in the Scottish Borders. Linden Trees are Humming and have flowers still open. Clover is still abundant in the field but only witnessed one Bee on it. Field Thistle had a good amount of Bees on it.

Weather is about 18c, Cloudy, threatening to rain.
There's an exotic tree in a neighbours garden - no idea what it is and he doesn't know either (planted by a previous owner) small white flowers with diamond shaped leaves - even my phone app won't give any suggestions. Bees are all over it. Privet hedge in flower near by - bees all over it. Bramble still in blossom. Lots going on ...
Wild stab in the dark…………Indian bean tree?


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