What's flowering as forage in your area

  • Thread starter Curly green fingers
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Pretty sure this thread already exists...
Elaeagnus is one Can’t member how to post images
I saw a cherry laurel( could have been a relative i guess) flowering yesterday. Sure to destroy the flowers in the frosts now which is an important nectar source lost
The only thing of any use to the bees at the moment at my Northumberland site is Gorse but it is far too cold for the bees to benefit from it..it was snowing yesterday and -4 C this morning..my Co Cleveland hive has no forage as far as i am aware..
At minus 3 to plus 3 today what is in flower (gorse) is totally immaterial.

Its 18th of Jan and Winter is as per GOT.


Cheeky sod.

No need for pills of chill here it's currently 2C the weather station says.

Cheeky sod.

No need for pills of chill here it's currently 2C the weather station says.


Your chilled enough then , looks like next week's going to be cold .
We had 2 inches of snow yesterday have you had much up there ?
I'll be weighing hives today as I have been every week.
There always seems to be Gorse out, the odd Dandelion, and I've just seen Snowdrops and Crocus out today, I also saw Daisy's, the common lawn type, didn't know they bloomed this early?

Noticing a LOT of Ivy Berries NOT forming, meaning that I see the former flower heads, but only about a third of them are turning into berries - does that mean they weren't pollinated, strange when the Ivy was within 20m of my hives :confused:
Your chilled enough then , looks like next week's going to be cold .
We had 2 inches of snow yesterday have you had much up there ?
I'll be weighing hives today as I have been every week.

Sticky boards have been showing pollen has come in. Also some colonies gained 5+ lbs in weight around Xmas / new year period.
Are your weekly weight checks showing much variation at the moment. Mine have just started to lose some weight.
Also some colonies gained 5+ lbs in weight around Xmas / new year period.

Thats got to be robbing surely, flying temps for sure, pollen to be found, but not warm enough for anything to produce nectar
Saw my first daffodil yesterday, and there's also a few daisies and a bit of gorse knocking about, as well as catkins open.

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