What's flowering as forage in your area

  • Thread starter Curly green fingers
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This stuff is going for it big time here..150 yards from the nucs but they have not touched it yet..

I find my bees eventually use it when everything else has gone. There’s plenty of clover still
I get quite excited when I see ghost bees but in this area I feel it’s overrated as a nectar source. I leave it for the bees along with the ivy.
Thirty supers from this taken off today.... I'm gonna have a cool beer and sit in the hot tub!


Lynher Valley is dusted pink with it........:winner1st:

Chons da
Loads of that on the railway embankment in my Northumberland place..the bees are on it there bringing plenty of blue pollen in..I can not see the picture very clear on my mobile phone that is why I was unsure.

I hope you have a good year with it.... worth supering off and bottling separately???... after "ripening" that is!

Chons da
Is the Willowherb and Himalayan Balsom early this year?
Both been in flower here (North Dorset) for some time now.
I’ve got heather on the heath round here with a good pink tinge
I think everything is early this year will be picking Blackberries next week and they have more or less finished flowering.
They're working the goldenrod and the Japanese anemones in my garden, and next-door's privet. There's HB in the Park across the road, but I've not seen any ghosts yet.
Around here, garden and municipal flower planting, and fruit trees and bushes, and some wild weed-type plants.
Himalayan balsam here in the south.
Plenty of other stuff too, but fingers crossed they find the balsam soon.