What's flowering as forage in your area

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Honeybees rarely bother with our millions of garden flowers, but they've been making an exception for the Deutzia.
Campanula out in all its glory


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Bees are loving the white alliums I’ve planted over last 2 years, several bees to a flower. Must have some sort of heady nectar as they are almost static on the flowers, drinking it in


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I love cotoneaster. I really must try to propagate some cuttings from ours.

The ones here had incredible flowering last season and now, in winter here, with fantastic berry set, are providing good forage for all sorts of birds including our Green Rosella.


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It’s a shame about buttercups being ignored wet fields here full of them anyone know why? Flower shape looks shallow enough can see lots of pollen in the flowers as well
Honyebees never seem to go for buttercups ...presumably not a high value in terms of yield vs energy expended. They are very clever when it comes to how much work they do for what return ... I suppose they have had a few millennia to get their work/life balance right !
No June gap here this year,from dandilion to maple and sycamore and horse chestnut then to hawthorn and as it went over they moved on to wild raspberries cabbage palm, phacelia and now the blackberries are starting, apiary sounds like a train, first combs of spring honey are being sealed. So far so good.
Phacelia …. I’ve only had bomblers so far on mine ! Was beginning to wonder if I’d got it wrong … I have seen them on my red roses this year tho which I’ve not noticed before 🤷‍♀️

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