Likely I'm getting a bit previous, but at present I'm making a couple of swarm collection boxes, mostly from 5.5mm ply, so I don't have the usual mad rush to find a suitable cardboard box should I need one next year. I was only going to make one, but I looked at the pile of wood I'd pulled together in the workshop and decided there was enough to make two and it wasn't really that much more time-consuming, so why not?
The design is loosely based on David Cushman's, somewhat simplified as I feel his is really quite over-engineered. If a cardboard box does the job, anything significantly more complex is clearly over the top
And of course I want to keep the weight down. They will be sufficient to double up as a five-frame nuc in an emergency though.
The major problem is that PU glue goes a bit treacly once temperatures get down to around 5°C. I seem to recall one poster here making a "glue warming plate" to help. I just keep the container inside my jacket when it isn't in use