Had to deal with another Drone Laying Queen...........what a year for badly mated queens
I tried to find the DLQ to no avail, so decided to do a shake out and combine with a Nuc.....but again no 14x12 brood box......
so transferred the DLQs brood to three supers and moved it 15ft away, shook all the bees in the brood box and floor onto a sheet next to the three supers
Flamed the floor and 14x12 box, then transferred the Q+ Nuc into the hive, then taped a plastic queen excluder vertically in front of the entrance (hopefully a plastic one is more difficult for scrub queen to get through)
I then shook all the Bees from DLQ frames on to the sheet just saving a few store frames for the new hive . I then went for a cup of tea at the local garden centre and I came back in an hour, found the old DLQ on the landing board and squished her... hopefully the carnage inside the hive was not too great as the DLQ foragers return
Next i need to decide how to deal with tomorrow the Hive from Hell, I've already moved them 15ft and bled off most of the foragers, quite surprised when i checked its four supers how few bees were now up in the supers so put a rhombus clearer on to take off tomorrow....so inspection may be viable tomorrow if the weather is good