What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Hope you are recovering and find out how they got in before going back in to them.
Spent the last six hours in hospital having had 16 stings. 1 on head, 1 on face, 3 on shoulder,1 on neck, 1 on chest and the rest on arms. no idea how they managed it but they got inside suit. looked like i had rolled in stinging nettles and due to sting on face and neck was struggling to breath so had adrealine, steriods, iv piriton, and 1ltr iv fluid. not fun at all.

Best wishes for a swift recovery DP4
Numbers are down in the hive today, still no sign of Queenie, it appears that they have swarmed :leaving:
The bees left behind are much calmer and easier to handle, and joy of joy there are signs that I may have a newly emerged virgin queen :hurray:

A big thankyou to 'madasafish' for your help and advice today not worthy

Added a second super to my 14x12 hive, which has only a few cells left to fill up and cap in the first super :)

Since this was an unseasonal March AS from a national, I am keeping a close eye, as there is only the outside of the 2 outer frames of 14x12 unused at present - and only 2 frames are stores - the rest is MORE brood! Might have to provide more brood space than a 14x12! eep!:eek:
Said good bye to one hive as we have given away one colony to SWMBO's sister as a birthday present... 5 frames of BIAS now flying in East Anglia. The last colony to get a queen was inspected today (the original colony of all 5 colonies) is on 4 frames BIAS. So we have confirmation of successful mating and laying of all 5.
My hats off to the bees for suviving and prospering in spite our bungling.Of all the years to split/swarm a single Nat colony 5 ways this was not the one.
Inspected my hive. Spotted my new queen (post swarm) who is big and orange and she is laying well. Despite the weather they have been bringing in stores although not enough for me to thing I will get a good (or any) harvest.

Laid 2 slabs. One for a second hive (my old spare for AS) and one in between my current and new to make it easier to do an AS.

Put together a cheap ply hive as a spare for AS. Don't really like it but it will serve its purpose.
not in apiary, too wet :(

but spent afternoon manning assoc stand at Hinton Village Fete with observation hive.

Enjoyed talking to people about bees, most of my friends get a glassy eyed look when I start now lol
Moved the hive where the bees ping the veil at no excuse and sting with little provocation so as to bleed off the foragers so that the task of exterminating the queen that gives them poor temperament can be more easily accomplished.
Moved the hive where the bees ping the veil at no excuse and sting with little provocation so as to bleed off the foragers so that the task of exterminating the queen that gives them poor temperament can be more easily accomplished.

I did the same, but might try to repeat in 7 days to the other side then remove HM as finding her would be easier and then combine.....Though extermination would make me feel better :D

also collected a swarm at an association apiary and tried to find the culprit hive to no avail

Then left for a pub lunch as we had a torrential downpour
Cheerful bee-keeping by committee

Evicted a wax moth larvae, muttered to self, worried about eggs and larvae, concurrently refereed argument in my own local brood (human) perched nearby about whether or not I was disturbing the bees, and held forth with neighbour about why some people eat comb honey. Was offered a cup of tea whilst up to elbow in bees.

All whilst suited and in the middle of an inspection.

I'm sure I used to do this alone.
Spent the day finishing hive No2, another national this time with a 14x12 brood box and making up the frames and foundation for it. So far so good, if it keeps on like this, I'll be looking for my next colonly soon.
collected a swarm, took a trip to the big T to spend too much on some patterns ;) , then went to a local joiners and got another nuc box.
We were supposed to go for practical HM clipping and marking, raining again so cancelled. Weather broke in afternoon so decide to do inspections, united one weak with a strong colony.looking at second hive and find unmarked Hm. Tools for clipping etc only just arrived from T*****s, gulp:eek: now going to have to jump in deep end, all went well. :) on to number three looking really crowded so did demaree. Job done. In for cup of tea email saying swarm available so off we go three hours later back with a prime swarm and soaking wet. :willy_nilly:
Went into my oversize WBC to see if they have released their new queen - and lo and behold...
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did some grafting,picked up a swarm and clipped some queens.Nice to see the sun out for a change

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